Hello, Codeforces!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #40 (Maths-Forces), which will take place on Mar/07/2025 17:35 (Moscow time)
You will have 135 minutes to solve 7 problems.
Note: Some problems have occurred in MTB Presents AUST Inter University Programming Contest 2025, OCPC Fall 2024, and testing of Codeforces Round 960. If you have participated in any of them, you should not participate in this contest.
The round is TheForces rated! After the round you can find your rating changes here.
Prizes: The participant in the $$$i$$$th place will receive $$$2^{3-i}$$$ dollars $$$(1 \leq i \leq 3)$$$ as a prize. In addition, we will randomly select $$$\lfloor \frac{p}{30} \rfloor$$$ lucky participants and give each of them $$$1$$$ dollar as a prize, where $$$p$$$ is the number of participants. Please actively participate :)
For more details about TheForces prize, read the above spoiler and join TheForces!
The problems are authored by wuhudsm, imranakki, kaosar_the_Joyboy.
We would like to thank our army of testers: physics0523, Too_Weak_To_Anything, SpyrosAliv, Go8, yashbihany, tirthgohil1410, xksark, Banis, DenimFlame12, Aditya8676, Krrishchanchal, Krishbansal333, RD_TheCoder, Error_, Muhammad-Ahmad, codewithprakhar, Avicious, kaosar_the_Joyboy, U_L_T-Paoku, minuki646, FP7317.
Also we want to thank You for participating in our round.
In other exciting news:
- We've just launched our official Telegram channel! We invite you to join us there as well, so we can expand our community and conquer Telegram alongside Codeforces and Discord! 💪
Discord Server ($$$2500+$$$ members)
Looking forward to it!!!
As a tester....
This is a secret[that is the reason there are many spoilers.] Lets see if you find the secret.
The round is soooo good.
Some lazy people didn't go even till "This is a secret[that is the reason there are many spoilers.] Lets see if you find the secret." and downvoted. No worries, they will never get to know the secret, as they don't deserve. ;laughs;
As a tester, it's the first round I tested! <3
As a tester, I tested this amazing round. Enjoy!
As a pupil tester, I'm having a blast at solving these problems.
As a tester, do participate, it will be fun. >=<