rahulgandhi1970's blog

By rahulgandhi1970, history, 6 hours ago, In English

I joined an organisation called CPHelper recently which leaks all codes first and rest of the leakers just buy from them and sell again. Before you start judging me and spam downvotes, let me be clear why I considered doing so.

Before that, CPHelper is an organisation which has a lot of CM and Master rated coders (even some famous ones you can't imagine) who write the solution and get paid for doing so (about 10k INR per code from C onwards). I wrote C today but poisoned it by using an unnecessary unordered_set in my implementation which passed all pretests. Now if the system tests have a that particular test case which uses hash for unordered sets all the C++ users who copied my solution will be hacked. It all depends on authors if they include that test case. Anyone who gets hacked by TLE on C is an evident cheater.

Also, my sole intent for joining CPHelper is to leak poisoned codes so that cheaters can atleast get hacked because Mike is anyways not banning them anytime soon. But I can't do it every time because not every problem have that kind of implementation where I can trick them. But I will try to use as much brain as possible to poison my implementation in such a way that it can't be recognised by a someone less than a genuine CM atleast.

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6 hours ago, # |
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Meanwhile me thinking that I am too dumb as an recent expert that I couldn't even solve C while newbies solving till F

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    6 hours ago, # ^ |
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    Yea me too that sucks

6 hours ago, # |
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Glad that you're not determining whether they are cheaters by conducting a CENSUS.

5 hours ago, # |
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cheating is honestly sad for those who do it :(

(also sad for those who don't cuz their rate will unfairly drop lol)

5 hours ago, # |
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Bro people were able to solve till F with AI , what will you do about that ??

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    5 hours ago, # ^ |
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    As I said I can't end it but I can minimise it as much as possible till it is in my power

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    5 hours ago, # ^ |
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    other than div4, i don't think you can even solve div2 B with AI unless you narrate it your exact correct approach

5 hours ago, # |
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bro is real aizen

4 hours ago, # |
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    2 hours ago, # ^ |
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    this dude spending a lot to buy solutions.