The problem is
The problem request you to guess a prime P, P is less than or equals to N, and N is the first line in a test case.
Your program should make some guesses and the judge will return a answer string when your program do that. It confused me on the I/O.
Here are my two different codes:
while (cin >> n) {
do {
cout << my guess number << endl;
cin >> ans; // ans is answer string
do something.
} while (it should keep going);
if (ans[0] == 'O') // means the answer string is "OK"
get the P.
cout << P << endl;
cin >> ans; // it will always return "OK" when you guess is current
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF) {
do {
printf("%d\n", my guess number);
scanf("%s", ans); // ans is answer string
do something.
} while (it should keep going);
if (ans[0] == 'O') // means the answer string is "OK"
get the P.
printf("%d\n", P);
scanf("%s", ans); // it will always return "OK" when you guess is current
The first one get Ac, and the second one get "Idleness limit exceeded".
Could anyone help me?
Well I'm not sure about that but I think most interactive problems require flushing the output after each thing you print, so the judge's program can get access to it. This is done by fflush(stdout); for example.
My guess is that the first program works, since cout<<endl; automatically flushes the output, while printf doesn't.
Oh! It's worked when I add "fflush(stdout)" after each printf. Thank you very much!