Hey guys,I was doing the problem A. Who Is The Winner? http://codeforces.net/gym/100712/attachments/download/3454/acm-amman-collegiate-programming-contest-en.pdf My solution is working in my computer but is showing Runtime error upon submission
include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; bool comp(const pair<int,int> &a,const pair<int,int> &b) { if(a.first>b.first) return a.first>b.first; else if(a.first<b.first) return a.first<b.first; else { return a.second<b.second; } } map<pair<int,int>,string>m; int main() { int n,t; cin>>t; while(t--) { int a,b; cin>>n; pair<int,int>p[100];string s; for(int i=0;i<n;++i) { cin>>s; cin>>a>>b; p[i].first=a;p[i].second=b; m[p[i]]=s; } sort(p,p+n,comp); cout<<m[p[0]]<<"\n";m.clear(); } return 0; }
Can someone help me??
comp looks incorrect it is equivalent to
which is the same as
That means for your comparator (1,x) < (2,y) and (2,x) < (1,y) is true at the same time. Some else posted about the problem few days ago.
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