MikeMirzayanov's blog

By MikeMirzayanov, 15 years ago, translation, In English
Sometimes funny things happen on contests. On a recent training Ivan Fefer was unsuccessfully submitting one of the problems for a long time. After all he asked me. There followed this dialogue:
Ivan: - I have a question on the problem D.
Me: - What is the problem?
Ivan: - It is about a tree and requests.
Me: - So it's C.
Ivan: - ...oops... The question is removed ...

Do you have a funny story about something that happened to you during the contests?"

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15 years ago, # |
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During a contest, I won't tell where, our team managed to crash the server around 20 times or so. We started to suspect that our program was the responsible of crashing the server around the 5th submission because when we submitted our solution the server crashed immediately. Despite of all this we continued to send the program for 15 more times.
15 years ago, # |
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On a ICPC like team contest we misunderstood a problem. The problem was how many common subsequence exist for two sequence. We thought its how many common subset :P So we could not find in our coding but we was getting wa. We could not understand our logic is wrong. At the last 5 min of contest we was just changing this part and submitting, changing that part and submitting but all wa :( After the contest when we looked at the scoreboard we was the highest submitter (not solver) with 26 submissions among the 87 teams :D We laugh and said that at least in something we are the heighest :D