Recently i got bored at competitive programming and i thought of learning new things .
Since i use codeforces parser extensively and fascinated by things people build using Web Scraping i started to learn how to build a parser During this i learnt about robots.txt file and saw codeforces robot.txt in which i saw this line Disallow: /contest/
but the parser that i use extensively parses contest and extracts the sample test cases , also there is no api to extract present contest problems/test cases.
So is it illegal to parse a contest ? Correct me if i am wrong
I think it is legal. Robot.txt is for search engines. Just don't do more than 5 queries per second.
Yeah it might be a generalised file not intended for us , also this is the most detailed one i saw and this is the most funniest one
You can do that with API, that is designed for program to access the website. (And all of them are under /api/, which is not in the list of robot.txt)
how do I parse a contest using api?
problems in a contest are not included in api , at least for test cases we cannot do it with api