A few hours later you're lucky to participate in Codeforces Round #132 for Div.2 participants, but traditionally the others can take part out of the competition. It has been prepared by me (NALP), Edvard Davtyan (Edvard), Vitaly Aksenov (Aksenov239), Gerald Agapov (Gerald), Mary Belova (Delinur) и Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov).
Traditionally I wish good luck, accepted solutions and successful hacking attempts for you!
Especially, we want to wish grand results and good luck to all sportsmens, who are representing their countries on XXX Olympic Games in London!
Today it is decided to use dynamic scoring system. But the problems will be sorted from low difficulty to high by authors' opinion!
UPD: The Round is finished, thanks to all for participation! We hope you have got fun!
UPD: Congratulation to winners!
yooo — solved all problems!
UPD: Tutorial in English is published!
good luck evryone!!!!!!!!
why have -11 what said bad?????????
Don’t try to understand negative votes on codeforces.
pff 3ve qarTvelebi varT,axla naxeT Cem koments ra uqnan,-30 s avirtyam uceb :D
mec qartveli var erti amati dedac avirtya -300 didi ambavi arc vici inglisuri kargad da verc vwer,aau ar gamigon es tore damblokaven :D
mec qartveli var imedia mixvdit qartyvelebias shekrebaaa :D :D gache exla inglisurad davwer vitom ragac shriftit vlaparakobt:
this is a shrift Iulia we talked shrift Iulia
:D haha
Massive anonymous trolling by scholars – common thing where negative voting is presented instead of accurate moderating.
But there is one more problem. What if every one of 2000+ registrants will leave a "good luck" comment?
Only the chosen ones will.
3 years you was thinking about it ?
Will the tasks contain something about the olympic games?
i am new on codeforces and how add blogs and also how add blog??
for adding blogs click "start your own blog"
for adding friend click on the star(next to handle)
When will the editoral be posted?
Very interesting problem set :).
Good problemset, nice competition , i was just surprised that task C turned out so difficult compared to task D, and they said the problemset will be sorted from low difficulty to high :)
About the Problem D.
Is testing guarantee ti < Ti ?
Contest 5^2 * 2^2 + 2^5 was great! Thanks!
Any Idea on Problem C?
Editorial is ready. You can read it and you will know the idea of problem C -_-
Ok thanks ;)
can anyone please tellwhere i can find editorials for all rounds. it will be great help.
here..But it is not updated of late
EDIT-> Also apart from the last few rounds codeforces has added a new section named CONTEST MATERIALS on each of the problem page where the tutorial is given
Thanks for a very good round and problems
so quickly rating!
Are they going to post the solutions for the 5 contest problems? If so, where?
In problem D,why that greedy strategy is correct?
tutorial is not in english!!
I think, it's in English :)
I think you should replace the "ru" in the link by "com" :)
Nevertheless, the language of the tutorial is English. Domain doesn't matter.
By the way, can you tell me when will the solution of problem E be posted?
I have written the solution using C#
For B I got WA five times. And didn't get AC. After contest I found that when printing double type value the decimal point is replaced by comma on Codeforces. But it worked fine on my PC.
So whats the problem? How to print Double type values using C#? If my code is right why should I be the looser?
You can use
, or if you don't trust Mono or forget it, usevalue.ToString().Replace(',','.')
.Can anyone prove why only the end points (1bus or min. # of bus with no compensation) lead to the optimal solution ?
Let's define fi(c) as number of rubles, that we will spend in i-th region if c children will be in the hot bus.
. This function is linear, if we omit ⌈⌉. So it reaches it's extreme values on the boundaries of the definition range. So we must check only fi(1) and fi(m). Also, we must check
with no additional costi for the hot bus.
why There is Big Time-Gap between two Div1 Contest ? Div1 users are So Bored !
You can prepare your own contests.