Problem: Solution: Verdict: Wrong Answer
I just learned about hashing and tried to solve this problem using the technique. My idea is I will pre-process _hash array with the hash values and afterwards I will just extract hashes of all the k-length strings and keep that in a map. Afterwards, I just output the size of the map. Any help to identify my mistake is really appreciated.
well, your solution is correct but this isn't the way you can get the hash of a substring from L to R
the problem is that you can't do something like
because while you're using module, you can't divide and get the same result before multiplication
to solve such a problem you have to use either the mode inverse to get the correct result or you have to use segment tree and in each node(l,r,index) store the hash of the substring from l to r then you can get the correct hash from L to R without need of division
Your formula is not right.
Ok, then solve it by your own
maybe I'm wrong of course, but you don't have the right to tell me that I'm wrong without explanation instead of thanking me
btw, I didn't give you any "formula" in my above comment