250C. Movie Critics @ 2677682
- minimise sequence & eliminate consecutive duplicates in O(n), eg.
1 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 -> 1 2 3 2 3 1 3
vector<int> as;
vector<int>::const_iterator it;
it = unique(as.begin(), as.end());
as.resize(it - as.begin());
- For each number, if the two numbers beside it are the same, then excluding this number will get 2 fewer stress; otherwise, there will be only 1 fewer stress. For the first one and the last one, excluding these two numbers will always get 1 fewer stress.
printf("%d",(int) (max_element(ks,ks+k)-ks+1));
_**Remember to consider 1-based and 0-based indexing schemes_
250D. Building Bridge @ 2680964
int aid = lower_bound(A,A+n,ay) - A; // offset
250E. Mad Joe @ 2681020
switch (getchar()) {
case '.':break;
case '+':a[i][j]=1;break;
case '#':a[i][j]=2;break;