I was wondering if codeforces community might be able to give me some advice.
I'm doing the second year of my master's degree and need to write diploma project. I have created CF-Predictor for the previous course project. I would be really happy if I could exceed it for more scientific direction. Unfortunately, I have no idea what should it be. Could you please give me any advice for developing CF-Predictor in the more scientific way. May you know any other service (not too easy & not too hard for diploma project) that could make codeforces better? :)
Thank in advance
Tell if the contest is rated or not to everyone
This is NP-Complete...
*Tell everyone that the contest is X-rated.
A service which notifies when a friend submits a solution to a problem.
A service that gives you the ability to customize the standings(by country specifically).
Current and expected rank on the problem pages during the live contest.
I'd suggest looking at misof's Ph.D. thesis for inspiration.
there should be other filters also apart from friend's standings like by school, college and country as we have on hackerrank and codechef.
Virtual participation with ratings, could be a local extension to keep track of your performance and express it as some rating taking into account other participants(excluding those who virtual participated)
i don't know if this would be a good project.
build a testcase tester: lets say an author writes a solution to his problems and generates testcases. a solution would handle some tricky cases with if else statements, so running solution on generated testcase should hit those tricky cases lines in solution and generate a report.
this would help to check if testcases are good.