Ternary Search
This search finds the min or max in an array that is either strictly increasing and then decreasing or strictly decreasing then stricly increasing.
//array, left bound, right bound, abs(precision) value for array
int ternarySearch(int data[], int left, int right, int precval){
if (right - left < precval )
return (left + right)/2;
//Variable to store first 1/3 of array
int first_third = ( left * 2 + right ) / 3;
//Variable to store last 1/3 of array
int last_third = ( left + right * 2 ) / 3;
if (data[first_third] < data[last_third])
return ternarySearch(data, first_third, right, precval);
return ternarySearch(data, left, last_third, precval);
Keep up the good work even if people downvote !
thanks, i'm compiling notes for myself to improve