Hi everyone!
As you may know, I'm an attention whore seeker. For this (well, not only this) reason year and almost a half ago I've created public page on vk.com: Зайчатки разума. Name is some old Russian semi-linguistic meme without adequate English translation, thus I decided to use 'Mindbun' as presumably closest to literal translation as English name. There was announce on codeforces, which didn't get any particularly positive or negative reaction. Or any reaction at all :)
On that page I mostly post maths things interesting to me and information of any similar activities by me on other places (like, here). It serves as some kind of public notebook to me. Why won't I just post stuff on codeforces, as before? Well, my tastes may be very specific and I'm greatly afraid that I will bother community by posting dozens of short posts on topics which only partially relevant to competitive programming and strongly imbalanced (on mentioned page there is like half of content is about polynomials and/or complex numbers). Thus I decided to throw my thoughts on some other channel and leave only 'big' content for codeforces.
And it was pretty successful as for me. VK page has 506 followers currently and I really enjoy making that stuff! You can see compilation of my older posts and newer ones (Russian, sorry!). So now I decided that it's good time for i18n. Thus I'm going to crosspost English versions of original VK public page in special telegram channel. Welcome! Also since I really like to chat with people, I also created Mindbun-related chat for anyone interested in it :)
And to give you some example of what's it like, I'll just provide you first post from the channel :)

P.S. Channel has not any content yet. I'll start by translating some newer posts from VK page, and will post any future entries there. I'd like to translate all the previous stuff, but there's vast of it and I really can't afford it right now, and I feel shy about some of my older posts :(
P.P.S. I would really appreciate your feedback on the following question: how should I inform on updates in Mindbun here? There are several variants I'm considering right now.
- Post only big stuff on codeforces and keep notes to Mindbun only
- Make some kind of digest with updates once a... Week? Month? Year? Random moment of time?..
- Any other formats I haven't considered yet?
What are countries that use Telegram and don't speak Russian well? Because e.g. nobody uses Telegram in Poland.
I like the idea, I don't like creating an account in a new place. Recently we see a lot of new things in CP, that's cool :)
Huh, your comment stumbled me. Telegram is so convenient and multi-functional, I hardly can imagine being in Internet without it now. It's true that most of things I use it for are Russian.
But the greatest cp-related chat I've seen was on telegram and it seems just perfect for what I want to do with its great infrastructure. I didn't even consider it would be that kind of issue and it makes me really upset now since I can't think of any good alternative...
If you are looking for an alternative to the telegram and your reason for not posting on codeforces is that you will post too much and many times only your posts will appear in "Recent Actions."
Then I suggest creating a CF grp, but then the chat feature will be missing.
At least in our CS department telegram is in very common use (even official discussion channels for courses are on telegram (with an IRC bridge)), and it's very rare to find a Finnish person who can speak Russian to a greater extent than what's necessary to rush B.
In Bangladesh Telegram is so popular. Not only coders, but general people use it too ;)
Ookay, perhaps here's what I will do. Since telegram is the most convenient thing for me, I still will use it, but since it's so great, there is comments bot which provides separate page with content and comments section (you still have to be logged in telegram to write comments, but you can watch content freely). I will just post on cf updates from time to time, linking to those pages. E.g.:
And I will probably attach pdfs with considered posts as well.
Who cares that nobody uses that in Poland. Nobody uses it in Romania either, but I do have an account and I did convince some of my friends to download the app because it's so superior to all its competitiors. Yet, I may as well use it for this sole purpose. The app you use to do CP-related stuff doesn't need to be the same app you use to chat with your friends.
And the idea of not wanting to make accounts in a new place is just something you shouldn't consider. How long does it take? 1.5 minutes? You should be open to changes and to welcome them not to just do something because everybody else does that. That's not what open-minded people do (although this is already a bit exaggerating, the main idea stays the same: it's not a valid reason to consider what others do, but what others should do)
Telegram isn't a normal "new place" to make an account. I'm identified there via my phone number. If I don't trust a random website, I can make a throwaway e-mail account and sign up with it. How do I make a throwaway phone number?
Burner phone numbers exist, can be bought easily and have been in use for quite some time.
But that's not 1.5 minutes anymore. And not free.
That's the price of paranoia
In Poland, when you give companies your phone number, you get lots of spam text messages. Is it really paranoia that someone doesn't want those?
Luckily Telegram is not Polish company :)
P.S. Yes, it really is a paranoia when you expect it from every place which asks your phone.
I don't get it.jpg
Neither is food.
In the time you spend writing comments, you could instead make a problem for a contest, send it somewhere where they accept single problems and earn way more than those 10 shekels a burner number costs.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by adamant (previous revision, new revision, compare).