Since the editorial posted for the ACPC 2018 is rather complicated (no offense), I decided to write my own tutorial with much simpler solutions. There are two problems missing, and, hopefully, they will be available soon. Hope you like it!
A tree has all its edges as bridges (initially bridges).
Joining the end-points of a simple path with length edges, removes
bridges from the tree (resulting in
Initially, all edges of the given tree are bridges since removing any of them disconnects the graph. So, we start with bridges. Joining the end-points of a simple path with length
edges, removes
bridges from the tree (resulting in
bridges). Since we want the resulting graph to have the number of bridges in
, then
which means
. So, all the problem is asking for is the number of simple paths
of length in the range
since these are the paths that give the desired number of bridges when short-circuited.
How will we count the number of paths with the given length? Centroid Decomposition! Consider the centroid tree where every vertex is the centroid of its subtree. Every path between two vertices in the initial tree passes through their lowest common ancestor (LCA) in the centroid tree. We will pick a vertex as the LCA and check for all paths that pass through it.
Consider the vertex to be the centroid of the initial tree. For every node
in the tree, if
has a distance
should be matched to a vertex
with distance to
in the range
such that
in the centroid tree. To be sure that
, they should be reachable from different neighbors of
. So, perform a
on each child of
in order and record the distances of the encountered nodes from
. When finished with a certain child, record these distances globally. In the next child
, whenever a node is encountered, check how many vertices in the previous child match with it and add the value to the answer. When done with this child, also record its values globally so that future vertices can match with the current ones. Keep in mind that vertices with a distance from the centroid in the range
also form paths between them and the centroid, so they are counted without a match (since the centroid is matched to them).
When done with this process, we would have found all the paths passing through . Now, delete
from the tree and repeat the same process on each of the formed components (which are also trees). For each component, find its centroid and count the number of paths through it.
Now, what is an efficient way of counting the number of nodes with a certain distance from the chosen root? Using a BIT or Fenwick tree. When done with a child of the current centroid, update the with the gathered values of distances. For a certain distance, increment its corresponding position in the
with the number of vertices with this distance from the centroid. Whenever we want to change the centroid and repeat, we empty the
and fill it with zeroes.
All operations are done in
and performing
continuously on the centroids of components is
since no component is of size greater than
. (See definition of centroid)
What is the probability of hitting a certain polygon?
The polygons are similar. By what factor does the inner polygon decrease?
Consider this figure:
Our aim is to find the ratio by which the inner polygon decreases since the two polygons are similar. It is easy to prove that and
are similar, so there exists a ratio of similarity
Since the polygons are all regular, then triangles and
are isosceles with vertex
and heights (medians, perpendicular bisectors, angular bisectors)
Triangle is right at
. Let
However, since the polygons are regular, then . And, since
is also an angular bisector of the angle, then
. So,
The ratio of areas then becomes:
The probability of hitting the first type of nuts, in the first (outermost) polygon, is since the first polygon is always hit. The probability of hitting the second nut type is
since the second polygon is
times smaller than the first. For the following nut types, the probabilities are
, and so on...
So, the expected value of nut types hit then becomes: . Since
, then
Hence, , which is the expected number of nut types hit by one fork. Since
people will dip their forks, then the answer to print is
Map the coffee costs based on name and type.
This problem is pure implementation. First, you have to map the coffee prices based on name and type. One way to do this is to create a map between name and a 3-tuple. Another way is to map the coffee type and name together, . For every person, find the price of his/her coffee from the mapping, and let this value be
. Since there is also the delivery cost of 100 divided by all the people,
. Also, if the number is at a distance one from a multiple of 5, we have to change it to this multiple.
And then print the person's name followed by the answer. Repeat for all the people.
are large, but what about
? Do we care about non-white chocolate cells?
Clearly, we cannot do the counting on since that is too large. However,
, so we can do our looping only on the white chocolates. In all cases, the count of white chocolates will remain the same and will only change when we encounter a white chocolate.
Initially, there are no perfect sub-grids until the first white chocolate is reached. We walk on the coordinates, and for every
, loop on all
values and check. This will guarantee at most
First, put all given values into a set (or map) such that they are sorted in increasing order and without duplicates. For every
value in this list,
, let
(if last element).
Now, loop on all white chocolates and store the count for every
value in a map (
= number of white chocolates with
). Now, keep a
value (number of white chocolates until now) and an
value (the number of perfect sub-grids until now), initially
, and loop on the
values in the map in increasing order. For a certain
, add
. If
is odd,
if last element). This correct since all the sub-grids from this odd count are perfect until the next white chocolate horizontally or vertically. And, before any white chocolate is encountered, there are no perfect sub-grids to count.
The answer to print is (the number of perfect sub-grids) and
since there are exactly
sub-grids starting at
The chosen substring should always be a prefix of some string.
How does putting all the strings in a trie help?
Since the popularity of the chosen substring is the number of strings that have it as a prefix, then the chosen string should always be the prefix of some string. Consider putting all strings into a trie, such that each node represents a prefix of one or more of the given strings. The chosen string at the end should definitely be one of the nodes of the trie.
The popularity of a certain prefix can be found by keeping a count of the strings that passed through this node during insertion. This resolves the value of the node.
The length of the prefix is also easy to compute since it is equivalent to the depth of the node in the trie (the node's distance from the root). This resolves the value of the node.
We are left with the last value which is . If we get this value from the prefix of the string, we may end up with a wrong answer. Consider that the best substring to choose is
and it occurs in the string
. If we take it as a prefix
, we get a value of
, but if we consider it as the other substring
, we get a value of
, which is better. How do we resolve that? Note that the other
, is also part of a prefix of the string
. So, we now have two substrings,
, where
is a proper suffix of
Recall how the Aho-Corasick algorithm for pattern matching constructs the trie and its suffix links (failure links). In the algorithm, every node (prefix) has a special edge pointing to a node (another prefix) which is the longest proper suffix of the first node. So, consider the maximum value for some node. We can push this value up through the suffix link to the other prefix node which is a proper suffix of the current one. Hence, we update the value of
in the other node to make it the maximum of all possible values. By repeating this step in a bottom-up manner, we will have the maximum possible value of
for the current substring stored in its node. Constructing these suffix link edges can be done in
, where
is the length of the strings (given that the alphabet is of finite size), and traversing the nodes through these links to push the joy level values can be done using regular
(note the topological sorting) on the nodes. In the worst case, the number of nodes in the trie will be equal to the total number of characters in the strings, which is at most
Now, every node, which is a prefix of some string, has stored in it the , the
, and the maximum
that it can have. All what is left is to traverse all the nodes and find which one has the highest quality. For every node, compute its quality and compare to a global maximum.
Deal with each cell individually.
Use the probability of flipping a single cell, to know its expected value at the end.
Since the flipping is done uniformly at random, we can deal with each cell separately. For every cell, we find its expected value after the flips, and the final answer is the sum of expected values of all cells.
The expected value of a cell after flipping is the same as the probability of its value being one.
For every cell, we use a simple , to calculate the probability of the cell having a value of
flips. Then, the expected value of the cell at the end is
Initially, if the cell has value
, and
if the cell has value
The probability of flipping a cell is equal to the number of submatrices containing this cell divided by the total number of submatrices.
to get a value of after
flips, we either get the probability of the cell being
flips and don't flip the cell (probability
), or get the probability of the cell being
) after
flips and flip the cell (probability
For every cell, perform this and add
to the answer which is initially
101991G - Greatest Chicken Dish
The queries can be answered offline.
Fix a starting point and consider all contiguous segments with this starting point. How many distinct GCD values are there?
First, let's define some handy structures. Let's create an array which stores the logarithm base 2 of integers
. Let's also create a sparse table on GCD so that we can find the GCD of all elements in a given interval
in constant time
. The idea of a sparse table to store in
the GCD of all elements in the interval
Since the queries are offline, it seems appropriate to apply MO's algorithm. The idea is to divide the interval into blocks of size
, so we sort the queries by
and then by
if they happen to be in the same block. Review MO's algorithm for a better understanding of the solution.
Now, if we have the solution for a certain interval, we can loop on the queries in the sorted order and answer them all in . The answer is the number of segments in the interval
that have GCD
. Since the value of
changes among queries, the answer should be stored in an array. Let's define
that stores, for every value
the number of segments in
with GCD equal to
. Therefore, the answer to a particular query is
How will we do the editing of the array as we move the interval's starting and ending points? First, notice an important property. Consider all the segments starting at index
. Initially, the GCD is
. As we the ending of the interval to right, the GCD can either stay the same or be divided by some integer greater than or equal to 2. So, there cannot be more than
distinct GCD values for segments starting at a given index. This is extremely useful. For every index
, we can store the distinct GCD values of segments starting at
, with the ending index at which these GCDs start appearing. The first GCD is
and it starts appearing at is
. We can perform a binary search to find the max index at which the GCD remains the same (remember the useful sparse table we created), or we can just walk on powers of two from greatest to least and add to the index as long as there is no change in GCD value. Repeat the same procedure, but now fix the right end of the interval and consider segments ending at a fixed index. Now, we have two arrays of maps or two arrays of vectors containing pairs (the GCD and the index).
Back to MO's algorithm, when we decrement , check the array of GCDs starting at
. Loop on this array and, for every GCD value, add to the
array, the number of segments starting at
and having this GCD. This count can be obtained by subtracting the index of appearance of the next GCD value from the index of appearance of the current GCD value. However, note that we should not exceed the
value that we have since we will be counting segments that should not be in the solution. The same goes for incrementing
, but this time we subtract the number of segments from the
array. And for incrementing or decrementing
, we follow the same steps but using the other array where we fixed the ending point and varied the starting point.
Now, we can increment and decrement the interval in , and all we need to do is to go over the queries as we sorted them and store their answers. Print the answer of the queries in the order that the queries were given in the input.
Can you try all values of ?
Write the term in terms of
The first thing to notice is that the interval is of size at most
, so we can try all possibilities for
. So, for every
, we check if we can reach the value
. The final answer is the number of seed values that satisfy the required condition, divided by the total number of seed values.
The next step is to write in terms of
only and not as a recurrence.
We want , so substitute it in the equation
In this case, can be computed through modular inverse and multiplication.
Let's discuss another special case
In this case, is a constant, so just check if this constant is equal to
We want an integer such that
. This is known as the discrete logarithm and can be found in
Let the right hand side of the congruence above be , so we have
Let and write
Now, loop on all possible values of and compute the corresponding
. Looping on
can be done in
, but how can we know the corresponding
? Preprocessing! Previously, general all possible values of
also in
, and sort by
while maintaining the corresponding value of
. (This can be done using pairs in C++ or even using a map) (we care about min value only). So, loop on all values of
, compute
, then perform a binary search (or a map search) on the values of
to find the corresponding
. After this
algorithm, we can know if there exists an integer
such that
and this will be the
such that
A quick recap on the solution, first loop on all values of and check if each of them gives a value of
among the first
terms of the sequence. Deal with the special cases or apply the algorithm discussed above for each
. The final answer is the number of
values that give
divided by the total number of
values. Note that all operations are done
, including exponentiation, multiplication, division (inverse). Also, remember to check if the found value is within the limits
What is the calorie value of the densest ice-cream chosen?
Given the value of the above value of calories, how do we maximize the happiness?
The first thing we will find is the calorie value of the densest chosen ice-cream. Since we want to minimize this value, then it is optimal to consider the ice-creams in increasing order of calorie value. Then, the minimum value we can get as a result is the calories of the ice-cream. Taking any other combination besides the
first terms in the sorted array will give an answer that is at least as large as the one we found. Now that we have resolved the first output value, we want to maximize the total happiness, so we find all ice-creams that have calorie value less than or equal to the max calorie value found before (not just the first
ice-creams). Out of these ice-creams, we want to pick the best (most happiness), so we sort them in decreasing order of happiness and take the first
. Also, this guarantees the maximum happiness that we can get.
Do we need the numbers themselves or only ?
Is it easier to calculate the count of partial (prefix) sum arrays instead of the number of arrays?
The first thing to observe is the the numbers themselves don't matter. What matters is the remainder of the number by 3, so we can limit our work to the elements only.
We usually find the sum of an interval in an array by constructing the prefix sum array and computing
. Let's apply this on the problem at hand. If we want the sum
to be divisible by 3, then
Unable to parse markup [type=CF_TEX]
(they have the same remainder when divided by 3. If we consider the prefix sum array as consisting of only zeroes, ones, and twos (the remainder of the sum by 3 instead of the sum itself), then we can get the number of sub-arrays of sum divisible by 3 simply by picking 2 ones or 2 twos or 2 threes (since subtracting the two will give a sum divisible by 3). Also, picking a zero alone will give a sum divisible by 3. So, if we have the prefix sum array with the remainders of sums by 3 instead of the sums themselves, we the number of sub-arrays of sum divisible by 3 is where
are the number of zeroes, ones, and twos in the prefix sum array.
Also, note that
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andUnable to parse markup [type=CF_TEX]
. For

For every possible value of zeroes, ones, and twos (3 nested loops, each from 0 to 150), if they give us exactly (based on the formula above), then we add to the answer the number of ways we can make a prefix sum array having this many zeroes, ones, and twos.
To count the number of prefix sum arrays that have a certain number of zeroes, ones, and twos, we use a simple . Solve all values of this
before doing the looping discussed above.
, where
are the number of zeroes, ones, twos placed or remaining (in the range
is the previous sum found (previous element) in the range
Unable to parse markup [type=CF_TEX]
initially since adding no elements means a sum of 0, and all other values of
are 0. Filling the
is straight-forward since we can add a number whose remainder by 3 is 0, 1, or 2 to make the new prefix sum with remainder 0, 1, or 2 by 3.
The number of elements that give a remainder
when divided by
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isUnable to parse markup [type=CF_TEX]
, so the number of elements in the range



Note the constraint
Note the constraint
Consider this approach, for every bit position , find any element
with the
bit set, and include it in the solution set. This guarantees that the final answer will have the
bit set. Since
, then we will not include more than
elements in the solution set. Also, since
, then this strategy works for any given value of
. Hence, we have an
algorithm if we loop on all elements for every bit position.
However, if we examine the above operation, we are setting the bit in the final answer if there is at least one element
with the
bit set. This is the same as the bitwise
operation on all elements. So, all we need is to loop on all elements and compute
and this will be the answer to print.
Thank you so much... It helped a lot!