Hi, From the first that i started CP i always liked problems that could be solved with some random in it, so i searched a lot but didn't find a random problemset.
now i'm making one :D
password : abcd
UPD1: so after adding many problems the last problemset got filled so here more problems. :D
any suggestion please comment :))
Hello, you can check these two contests as well. ( some problems are common in both set )
I'm adding these two. thanks
Where can i learn more about this kind of problems?
I don’t know :D
I remember two recent problems that could be solved with random.
1061F - Потерянный корень — This is an interactive problem, i have seen many such problems solved with random, if I will remember them, I will post here.
1198F - GCD-группы 2
Thanks, added to part two
There are some randomization problems in this blog — https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/51244
There's also this problem 862C, it has a proved solution but many solved it with a random solution like this one 30547784.
It's already in part one.