Starting from the version 1.3.1
of Codeforces Watcher, users can see latest Blog Posts in Recent Actions tab. It's already downloadable in Google Play.
Last few weeks BOGDAN_ spent by educating himself about multithreading and coroutines, which aren't easiest things in the universe ;) Thanks to his learnings, we've migrated Codeforces Watcher to Coroutines and it looks just great. You can see one of examples of confluence between Redux and Couroutines in AppMiddleware.kt.
By the way, Codeforces Watcher in an open-source project, so you are always welcome to check it out and learn new things or make suggestion on improvements. Stars won't hurt too, of course ;)
By the way, we see that around 30% of our users are from India. We can easily translate Codeforces Watcher to Ukrainian, Russian, English and even French, but have no idea about Hindi.
Are there any volunteers to help us translating 60 strings from English to Hindi?
A bunch of languages are spoken in India and it is very possible that some (if not most) of the 30% of your Indian users don't know Hindi.
I suspected something like this, but the question is "Do some of users don't know English, but know Hindi?" Let's do a Google Form:
ईमानदार होने के लिए, यहाँ हिंदी में एक Google फ़ॉर्म है:
Lol, good that you are not doing the translation yourself. What you said literally translates to -> If you want to become honest, here is one google form.
Google Translate that is :)
I know, there are not so many active users from Sweden (and I am sure, all of them speak English) but I can volunteer with translation to Swedish. More languages — better, isn't it?
It would be nice, yes :) All you need is translating this file You can just do it manually and send us or if you familiar with Android development, you can create a Sweden localization and craft PR.
I can help .I am good in both Hindi and English . But when do you want my help ?
I am available after 15 December so I can give you 2 hours daily for converting your strings. .
अनुवाद :
मैं आपकी सहायता कर सकता हूँ । मैं हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओ में अच्छा हूँ । लेकिन आपको मेरी सहायता की ज़रुरत कब है ? मैं १५ दिसंबर के बाद से खाली हूँ तो मैं आपके अनुवाद करने में प्रतिदिन २ घंटे सहायता कर सकता हूँ ।
It's nice from your side! NiKS001 has already suggested his help and he wanted to make translations this weekend. But additional checks won't hurt, so your help is welcome ;) Also we will need some help in future with adding new screens.
Okay you can contact me if you need :)
Will it be on iOS ?
If there is a demand, why not ;)
It would be cool!
It will be really helpful if we got a desktop(windows and ubuntu) version.
Rate it 5 star in play store
In the user's rating graph can you please add the rating change attribute and adjust the graph aspect ratio so that it looks nice on phone.
Thanks for suggesting about rating change attribute, we will add it in the nearest releases.
What about adjusting the graph aspect ratio — I think, it’s already done — you can easily regulate graph using zoom, or you about something else?
Just curious, why there is no tests in project? Are they located in some separate project?
You can open PR with the tests :)
It's rather our portfolio and study project, so it's not there for tests. But one day we will write them for sure (Redux is testable by design).
Can we open PR in java language. Since we can use both (Kotlin and Java) language in same project.
We prefer to keep everything in Kotlin, its growth on Android just impressing! It won't be difficult to learn Kotlin if you already know Java and you can benefit from our free code review ;)
Will it provide things like standings and rating changes ? Also to register for upcoming contest. It would really help.
Rating changes our application provides in interesting way — you can see them for users, which you add to your list, also get notifications, when some updates occur.
What about standings — we have quick access from application(in contests tab) to contests in site where you can find it.(We think that this information better to look at the site).
Register for upcoming contests — it's good idea, but API doesn't provide this.
Well so far the features are great. Nice effort.
Can code and submit on smartphone?
Nope, it's not supported by current Codeforces API.
Have you considered adding the app to F-Droid? It will require a build flavour that does not include play services and crash reporting though.
Yes, it's an option we will probably integrate in future. We've already done it for our another open-sourse project — Open Money Tracker.
is it rated?
Only on Google Play :))
It's great... <3
Long live buddy and everyone why doing late giving 5 stars <3
Wow, great works. Many many thanks to you all.Keep updating tha app.Thanks again!