tenshi_kanade's blog

By tenshi_kanade, 12 years ago, In English

I'd like to introduce myself.

My name is Pablo and I'm from Rosario, Argentina, one of the city most beautiful in the world. Cup me much programming, is what most excites me together with go to encourage the leprosy. Then I got here to see what wave... and the truth that is re good! This competition Abbyy in which I participated was re grosa, chabon! Re-zarpados problems were! And I d like to tell you to touch if the problem accepted it or not, because it allowed you to correct if there was some error idiot somewhere in the code. I hope to do more competitions like this, crazy!

All that don't drink me all these skills online is that we they discriminate against many much other cultures and countries, because the problems are nothing but English, and there are many who do not know English. I problems put on the translator to be able to make them, and sometimes I am confused a band that because it means evil. But outside of that, all jewel.

Well, I say goodbye then. Best regards!

Well, here down command just as I wrote above in Spanish for those who speak Spanish...

Me gustaría presentarme.

Me llamo Pablo y soy de Rosario, Argentina, una de las ciudad más lindas del mundo. Me copa mucho la programación, es lo que más me apasiona junto con ir a alentar a la lepra. Entonces me metí acá a ver qué onda... y la verdad que está re bueno! Esta competencia Abbyy en la que participé fue re grosa, chabón! Los problemas re-zarpados eran! Y me re gustó que te dijeran al toque si el problema lo aceptaban o no, porque te permitía corregir si había algún error boludo en alguna parte del código. Espero que hagan más competencias como esta, loco!

Lo único que no me copa de todas estas competencias on-line es que discriminan a muchas culturas y países, porque los problemas están en inglés nada más, y hay muchos que no sabemos inglés. Yo los problemas los meto en el traductor para poder hacerlos, y a veces me confunde una banda eso porque traduce mal. Pero fuera de eso, todo joya.

Bueno, me despido entonces. Saludos!

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12 years ago, # |
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Hi Pablo, In my humble opinion, I think it is not possible to write problems in all the different languages, it is not discrimination and English is standard. By the way, "La mayoría de las veces yo también uso el traductor para entender los ejercicios"

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    12 years ago, # ^ |
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    I agree with you deinier, it is impossible to write the problems in the different languages of the CodeForces community. That's why English seems to be the standard in CodeForces.

    However, there are many CF editorials only in Russian, aren't there? Relying on Google Translate is definitely not the way to go for two reasons: Google Translate is far from reaching human translation quality and the text themselves are generally poorly (hastily?) written. On this terms you can see using Russian as a form of discrimination.

    Creo que esta comunidad debería lograr que no sólo los problemas estén en inglés, pero los editoriales también..

12 years ago, # |
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I wonder what that 'leprosy' thing is about...

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    12 years ago, # ^ |
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    Ahhhh, sorry for not clarifying. Leprosy is Newell's Old Boys, the football team of which I am a fan since I was born.

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      12 years ago, # ^ |
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      I see now. I thought something was lost in translation :)