Hello Codeforces, this is my first blog.
Last month me and my friend Kay0tic were discussing, how to get the problems list of an user on Codeforces when he/she was Newbie, Pupil, Specialist, Expert, etc.
So, we build a website by scrapping user submissions and segregated according to their level at the time of submission.
Usage 1:
You can find what all problems a user did when he was Newbie, Pupil, Specialist, Expert, etc. Even list of all problems tried.(Scrapped from submissions page of user).
Usage 2:
And you can also provide your UserID to map with those problems list (Used Codeforces API).
Website:- CFRange Repo Link :- GitHub
Any suggestion or comments are welcome. :)
Thank You.
Does not show anything with my handle..
Can you share details what you selected.
I check with my handle again. It shows a list of AC/WA problems in Russia if I select All. I try other options such as Newbie,pupil, expert ... it shows an empty list.
You were never newbie.
The problems from the archive are shown in the [current rank] section, even if I solved them when I had a different rank.
Really helpful!