Я думаю, что это заботит не только меня но и большУю часть комьюнити. Когда я нажимаю на кнопку "Топ" я ожидаю увидеть интересные идеи, новые алгоритмы, разборы, приглашения на разные контексты. Однако, я вижу 246376243 постов от участников вне рейтинга, которые жалуются на списывание в образовательных раундах. Лично меня не заботит списывание, Если ты получишь +5 вместо +6 то это не конец света. И нарушители обычно получают не первые и не вторые места на контестах так что они не будут претендовать на призы от спонсоров. Если для вас СП это только рейтинг на сайте в интернете, то это не круто. Для меня это отличная возможность тренироваться и решать интересные задачи, так что списывание мне не мешает.
Я не знаю почему так много людей пытается найти нарушителей в каждом раунде и как они это делают, но как по мне лучше реализовать механизм жалоб? Это освободит секцию "Топ" от "детективов" и нарушители все равно будут наказаны.
Я открыт для дискуссии в комментариях, делитесь своими мыслями.
Yeah, a lot of people bring up the fact that they're putting in hard work to do good while the cheaters are just cheating but I don't think this is valid. Rather than using rating as a measure of someone's skill, a person should look at how difficult of problems they can solve now and compare it to the past. Posting a billion blogs about cheating won't make cheating disappear. The plagiarism checker seems to be good and I don't really think Codeforces can take too many other measures to reduce cheating. People should just suck it up and focus on their skills and not rating and just have fun.
lol. and how are you going to measure difficulty of problems?
By looking at the difficulty that's assigned to the problem.
And that difficulty is assigned using the rating of the people who solve it during contest. "Rating" matters in these kind of things.
I don't think so. If I solve a 1800 problem, can it be 1100? Or, If I solve a 800 problem, can it be 1100?
If 100s of 1100 rated people solve a 1800 difficulty problem after copying from telegram... it will be rated lower than 1800 after contest ends.
why you count me as 100 lol? and what about if I solve a 800 problem, can it be 1100?
I think you are confused how problems are assigned rating... Not solving implies it was harder than your level...
Wait ,think of it this way..
X rated problem was solved by many 1100 rated cheaters .. so it implies rating of X must be less 1100.
And second case... Y rated problem remained unsolved by many 2100+ rated people..So it implies Y must be more than 2100,
If you solve a 800 difficulty problem, that's fine because you were supposed to solve it anyway.
Hmm, I think if X rated problem was solved by many 1500 rated cheaters... rating of X must not be less than 1500.
I don't know why you're not supposed to solve Pairs which is rated 1900.
have u ever heard of statistics?
have you ever heard of contradiction?
I just contradicted his claim $$$x$$$ rated person are supposed to solve $$$x$$$ rated problem.
Just like you fail to comprehend my point, I'm not also supposed to solve 800 problem anyway.
You could've just said that you've never heard of statistics.
the ratings are a mere indication denoting that this person would/would-not be able to solve this problem with high probability.
just because you found one counter example doesn't contradict the claim.
You should've shut your mouth before criticizing someone if they had ever heard of statistics.
I'm not contradicting that but sometimes the problems' ratings are completely random. More like subjective.
I mean, If you know how statistics works, You should not ask me this.
P.S You're just some random ass idiot who is insecure about his identity and comment some bullshit. I dare you to comment from your real account, If you want someone's attention. hypocrite!
You could've asked nicely
P.S : youre delusional if you think this isnt my main account. again, lack of stats, generalising your view to others. not everyone is looking for validation by random numbers on the internet by giving contests.
Ok, Dhruv.
You'd better read stats before suggesting someone to read stats. Also, I'm not entitled to reply to douchebag.
but u just did! Jesus Christ, someone teach this guy linguistics.
Ok, This is the last comment. You seriously lack comprehension skill.
Someone has to die of poison to know it's poisonous.
cool. plz attend my funeral then, because your fickle mindedness is killing me.
All I care about is cf rating on this site. Doesn't mean I feel like cheating, or that cheaters are compromising my rating.
All this complaining only for virtual internet points. Misplaced priorities :(
LOL, you can console yourself by saying its just an internet point, but deep inside you know what it is
It's sad to see that you think that CF ratings are some form of social validation for you skills.
Yes, CF ratings are validation of my problem solving skills.
How much dumb are you newbie
Dumb enough to not hide behind an alt account.
Like you I have never tried finding submissions which might have been plagiarized. Also, I too feel its such a waste of energy that we have to find them.
Do I think there should be no process to prevent such incidents? No, they absolutely need to be there or these things will just keep increasing, till it will be no fun to compete and we will feel I might as well have solved the problems under a 2 hour timer(we are far from there because such efforts are taken).
Yes its true that how we do it now where we constantly see every other post about cheaters is irritating.
A form to report cheaters is a good feature and most demanded every time blogs reporting cheaters become a nuisance. But, that too can increase a lot of manual work on the receiver's end i.e. sifting through reports and deciding manually in some cases. In practice, Codechef has a blog and an email ([email protected]) dedicated to reporting cheaters but it has done little to combat redundant blogs as you can see the list of blogs posted after the master blog to report cheating was published, this is even after warning everyone that any new topics on cheating will be closed and the author can be suspended.
And I don't understand is cheating a crime??Those who are doing this is just 18-19 year guys misinfluenced by seniors,Also For once you are telling there is no importance of rating and for same time You are crying that They cause inflation in rating,,....
From my point of view, it is.
On one side you have honest people who have worked hard for months hoping that they will pass the round and get an interview.
On the other side you have dumbasses who don't even have the ability to recognize what language the code is written in and are looking to "beat the system" and become winners?
Whether you are doing cp for job or for fun, doesn't matter. What gives you right to ruin it for others? Even if 1 deserving person misses the opportunity due to this, its still extremely unjust imo.
UNESCO has invited you for bringing the world peace.
Sure. When is the joining date?
Right after You banished the cheaters and brought justice to the honest people.
Ahh yes, invite someone to bring world peace after they bring world peace.
You said cheater_exposed was your main account. You don't have to change your persona every time you create a new account even though that helps you to stay anonymous.
I don't even know who cheater_exposed is. I guess you just can't handle the fact that more people hate your ideals than you expected.
From my point of view, it is.
Agree. Cheaters should be banned from participating and polluting the atmosphere.
On one side you have honest people
But please don't bring honesty into this. Many people who don't cheat, don't cheat not because they are whitewashed and honest, but because they know it's not gonna help much in face-to-face interview. So they must practice for learning (excluding people who do it for fun and enjoy it). Most would willingly cheat in college sem exams because they know it's not important and being honest there isn't gonna help much (example). So I would say it's just about personal preference and convenience. But I agree that it is very very unfair to the people who are being honest, whether it's CF or college exams.
What I just want to say that "not cheating in contests" does not imply being an honest person in general.
Dont u think cheating has become normal?I think everyone cheats one time or other
thats what she said.
It is against the rules.
Hence nobody in Codeforces really cares about what you think of cheating. It is a no-no here.
Unrated people from India, that's what you mean.
I can also defame your country by telling my personal experience with toxic Chinese people who use cheats in almost every competitive multiplayer game. It is to the point that you can't even play on Asia servers any more (talking about BattleField5, PUBG PC). You have to use VPN to play the game, and you are ready to pay 5$/month for premium hacks. Tell me now, what is more pathetic? People cheating because they think they might get a job (stupid indeed) or people cheating in a multiplayer game so that they can get a good Kill Death Ratio in a game? Also have come across many from your esteemed nation who use engines on chess.com. So let's not attack each other's country and try to find a solution instead of generalizing. Because we can do that too.
I am sorry. Admin please delete my comments.
Why are you sorry? They are clearly from India, nothing wrong to state that.
I have a perfect plan how to get rid of cheaters:
So now you are saying people have to give some prove of nationality to use codeforces. I don't think there is no other way to implement your PERFECT plan.
If you are giving possible solutions to a problem, give some practical and non-racist solution.
India is a nation comprising of various races genius. It isn't a single race called Indian. So no he is not a racist.
a diverse racist, if you will.
6) People start moving overseas to get job.
7) Start complaining immigrants are taking ur job.
8) Profit
Ban Codeforces in India (Probably ban only contests, enable practice/upsolving). They have their own platform Codechef and a lot of tutorials on internet in hindi.
nice try codechef marketing team
Seems like you expose not only cheaters...
yeah ban India then cf will directly lose its value that it hold at present in oj field...maybe atcoder wil surpass cf wrt quality as well as participation
Indians can influx atcoder as much as possible and I don't give a shit. Atcoder has no discussion system indians can not bother anyone.
Alternatively, you can ignore the discussion forums in codeforces and treat it like atcoder- a website with no discussion forum. Problem Solved!
Ban all Indians on all programming sites
LOL, I alread said that at mutiple instances. But they always have a bigger downvoting party due to their mammoth population.
Atleast India is better than your poor Country
And we have our own CP platforms, so we wont be affected if this happens in any case.
Indian says that banning codeforces won’t affect them! Let’s do it
Unpopular opinion: Add "ratings are not a true approximation of skill" beside ratings of every CF user.
No matter what we say or do...there is possibly no way to prevent cheaters from cheating. Each time MOSS and plague detector are upgraded the cheaters find a new way out.
Few days back i saw 2 submissions exactly the same except for the part where one submission comprised of multiple call of a function which just incremented a value of a number by one. And the worst part is he did'nt even use a loop..
'twas something like this
int co=0;//global
and in a function
increment() {co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++;co++; 200 times probably}
and this function was called throughout the main function.