AyanoGod's blog

By AyanoGod, history, 4 years ago, In English

Is there any tool that fetches problems solved by a handle Rating-Wise? Like one has to input handle and rating and the tool will show up appropriate problems.

PS: Tried searching but didn't found one!!

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4 years ago, # |
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It's not a website, but you might be interested in TLE, which is a Discord bot that suggests problems based on rating and provides other statistics.

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    4 years ago, # ^ |
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    "suggests problems based on rating" Actually, that's not what I want, I am more interested in getting a list of say, 1500 rated problems solved by some particular user.

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      4 years ago, # ^ |
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      Ah ok, I believe TLE can do that too, one of the commands is to get all solved problems with certain filters.

4 years ago, # |
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You can solve problems with difficulty around 100 or 200 above your current rate. You can do that by setting the difficulty in problem set filter.

16 months ago, # |
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You can use the users.status method of Codeforces API to get all submissions of a particular user. After that, iterate through all the problems in that list and apply the condition that the verdict should be accepted and rating should be equal to the desired rating.

16 months ago, # |
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You can try this, Implemented it for personal use

3 months ago, # |
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try out this website, this one works well.