So long story short, Problemset got renamed to Bugabooset. (Full story if you're interested)
Don't get me wrong, I personally find it extremely amazing, but I still want this change to be reverted.
I have some valid reasons:-
- Whenever some newcomer asks me for advice... I say something like, "Go to the Codeforces Problemset and sort the problems by difficulty and then solve a few everyday", now recently what is happening is that, a lot of newcomers can't find the problemset (because it does not exist anymore!!).
- If I tell them to go to the bugabooset, they will ask me what is that and what it means, and that's one story that I do not want to explain to someone for the 348th time!
- The link still points to "", I think this discrepancy is very confusing... Now some might say, we can change it to "" but that'll unnecessarily ruin many people's bookmarks (unless old links redirect to the new ones, ok yeah, this one is a moot point tbh)
- Regarding the problem vs question debate: The actual victims are pretty much unaffected by this change. My point is- If they called them "questions" when "problemset" existed, what makes you think they will call them "bugaboos" now? They won't! They'll still call it "question" and many people will still call it "problem" and only the few woke people will call it "bugaboo".
- I can foresee that somewhere in the future, some Legendary Grandmaster might write a blog saying that people who say "bugaboo" have high ratings and people who say "question" or "problem" don't. So this solution, isn't really a solution at all... It'll just cause even more problems(or more bugaboos idk).
- Lastly, and this one is the only actual valid reason (and also the only reason that was required): IT IS EXTREMELY CONFUSING to the newcomers, they have no clue what all this means. I agree it's extremely hilarious and I appreciate it, but most of us (except maybe a few geneosities) are at least 10 years old! And this type of a joke HAS TO get old someday or the other.
If newcomers find it confusing, then that's their bugaboo
There is a reason why this comment has 3x upvotes than the blog itself lol. Nailed it
Update: It was a Radewoosh reference. :(
Ohh we are gonna miss Bugabooset so much.
Questions , Problems , Bugab......(whatever) everything is correct. Still i Prefer to say questions because in India word 'questions' is more popular and used than problems.
Using any word is okay if the other person understands what you mean and if you are making a reasonable effort to speak correct English. There are a lot of people from many different countries around here and not everyone is fluent in English for obvious reasons.
But many people don't like (and some of them are even triggered!) if you are intentionally speaking broken English despite knowing that this is wrong. If that's the case, then it's just showing that you either disrespect the others or have no ability or willingness to learn.
lol bugaboo
I'll change it back soon. Did you really think it is permanent? )
It wasn't?
sad noises in corner
Meanwhile all the people who participated in the argument
It's nice to have an admin who works closely with the community. Unlike Gaben.
*waiting for the day we can watch Mike commencing the CF World Finals I on stage
lol .. I fell for the joke.
It's confusing to me too. I remember yesterday I was looking for "problemset", but I could only find the "bugabooset" and it took like 5(*) seconds for everything to click.
(*) Ok maybe more like 2
Downvote this guy!
Irrelevant meme
The guy looks 34-35% similar to Mike.
The last hastag got me lmfao
Now don't say you used Machine Learning to calculate that 34% resemblance!
Nah it was ArianaGrande reference.
My ML algos won't show me any similarity percentage other than 69%. Seems like i messed up with the if-else blocks in them. :P
How did they draw the speech bubble with marker over the fingers so seamlessly?
Hello monogon, here's a follow up.
Wow you redeemed yourself!
demoralizer feeling bored/tired due to Uber Internship's work-load be like
I am still laughing lol.
Why make a useless blog?It was obvious that it was temporary.Wasn't it? Another useless blog.
while we are on the petition can we get a feature so that we can see more blogs, other than ones shown under the recent action or if there is already any tool for this can anyone mention please Thanks !!
Bugaboo is well defined!
From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Bugaboo (disambiguation).
A bugaboo is a situation preventing something from being achieved. The word comes from a Greek word meaning an "obstacle" (something that is in your way). Someone who has a bugaboo must find a way of solving it. The means of solving a bugaboo is called a "solution".
• 1 Examples
o 1.1 Entertainment examples
o 1.2 Mathematical examples
• 2 Sources on bugaboo solving
• 3 Related pages
• 4 References
Examples[change | change source]
"John has locked his car keys inside his car so that he cannot get at them. John has a bugaboo". Entertainment examples[change | change source]
Some bugaboos are made up for fun. These are like puzzles. Some of them can be solved with logic, others can be solved by trial and error or by a heuristic. Mathematical examples[change | change source]
Here is an example of a mathematical bugaboo: "John is three times as old as Mary. In three years time he will be twice as old as Mary. How old are John and Mary?" The answer to this bugaboo is that John is 9 and Mary is 3.
Children often like to give one another bugaboos that can be solved by "lateral thinking". This means using the imagination rather than strict logic. Here is an example:
"Peter, Ruth, Samuel and Jessica live in the same house. Peter and Ruth went out. When they returned they found Jessica lying dead, surrounded by glass. They were sure Samuel had done it.
Why did they not call the police?" The answer is: Samuel was the cat and Jessica was a goldfish. A well-known example of a bugaboo that cannot be solved is that of squaring the circle – how to get a square that has the same area as a given circle, using geometry. Sources on bugaboo solving[change | change source]
These are classic works on bugaboo-solving:
• Duncker, Karl 1945. On bugaboo solving. APA Psychological Monographs 58.
• Gordon, William J.J. 1961. Synectics: the development of creative capacity. New York: Harper.
• Polya, George 1945. How to solve it: a new aspect of mathematical method. Princeton University Press.
• Wertheimer, Max 1959. Productive thinking. New York: Harper. New and expanded edition was 1945.
• Simon, Herbert A. & Newell, Alan 1972. Human bugaboo solving. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Most of these deal with well-formulated bugaboos. There are also a number of books on the psychology of thinking, which is obviously a large part of bugaboo-solving:
• Bolton, Neil 1972. The psychology of thinking. London: Methuen. ISBN 0-416-70450-6
• Wason P.C. & Johnson-Laird P.N. 1972. Psychology of reasoning: structure & content. London: Batsford. ISBN 0-7134-0347-0
• Novick L.R. & Bassok M. 2005. Bugaboo solving. In K.J. Holyoak & R.G. Morrison (eds) Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Chapter 14, pp. 321–349. Cambridge University Press. Related pages[change | change source]
• Monty Hall bugaboo – a bugaboo about goats and a car in a game show, using probability. References[change | change source]
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All those research in vain :XD
I think it's extremely funny that it was actually changed, and even more funny that the change has lasted like... a week now?
That being said I agree with this blog lol
Kids make memes on bugaboos.
Real men.. They change the HTML.
you people always complain ffs
before sometime we were solving problems now we are solving bugaboosets
LOL you can't hold a gm title for more than one contest
And you are unable to reach international master since 25 contests :)
that's because i am a weak cper
He screencasts his contests along with explanations while solving. His rating doesn't show whether he has given his full efforts tho.
And in the end, It doesn't even matters.
Anime is amazing!
I never understood why people like anime more than American comics. An unpopular opinion, but I think the latter are better.
Because of idolized female characters with "perfect" beauty
That's not the problem. Even DC, Marvel and Image comics have overly sexualised characters, both male and female.
I think the real problem is that manga is cheaper than American comics, so more people can buy it.
No, its not.
It is very easy to get a pirated copy of both of these, and given this, I would Pick Anime over Marvel/DC any day. The reason why people love Anime is because it makes you connect with the characters emotionally.
Cause your taste sucks
And yours doesn't?
Now, it affected not only the newcomers. I've been a cf regular for 1 year plus now.
I had to take a break for ~ a month. And when I came back, boom! No problemset. Everything just . . . well . . . BOOGABOOED (what does that even mean!!!)
Trust me, I don't want to go asking my friends, "hey, did u solve that boogaboo?"
"What approach should we use for that boogabo?"
and neither do I want to see contest announcements with
"there will be 6 or 7 boogabos and 2 hours to solve them." or
"there will be an interactive boogaboo"
This sucks, really. Now, plz don't rename this platform to Boogaforces :v
boogaforces orz
Problemset has returned.