Hello everyone!
Me and my friends Ankur_Agrawal, pertifiedcobra, romir_07, mayank_singh_ and Gokussjz from competitive programming group, IIT BHU, have attempted to prepare yet another set of video editorials for problems A through F in the past division 3 CF round #744.
Here are the links:
You could also check out our playlists for topics that you might find useful. Do turn in your suggestions in the comments section.
Thank you for your attention and happyy programmingg!
COPS orz
Hello koderkushy, your explanations were nice; really helpful editorials.
Here's a little suggestion: Please improve the sound quality. It would be a 10/10 then. Good luck.
Alright! Will take extra care next time.
Can we use cyclic algo for problem b?
Hello thefirste93, can you please specify which algorithm are you talking about?-
cyclic algorithm https://youtu.be/JfinxytTYFQ
Cyclic sort algorithm is based on swapping concept but in this question we have to rotate a subarray leftwards hence while shifting the element at correct index you need to update position of every other element you cannot just swap it. Still if you could find a way of doing it with cycling sort feel free to share with us.