I was doing ITMO pilot course segment tree problems. In the problem LINK TO QUESTION, I am getting wrong answer on test number 72. Kindly help me out to resolve the issue.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long int
class node {
int maxi, sum, suff, pref;
node(ll val)
sum = val;
suff = pref = maxi = max(0LL, val);
class SEG {
vector<node> seg;
vector<ll> arr;
ll n;
SEG(ll n, vector<ll>& v) {
this->n = n;
seg.resize(4 * n + 1, node(0));
arr = v;
build(0, 0, n - 1);
node merge(node l, node r)
node ans(0);
ans.maxi = max({l.maxi, r.maxi, l.suff + r.pref});
ans.sum = l.sum + r.sum;
ans.pref = max(l.pref, l.sum + r.pref);
ans.suff = max(r.suff, l.suff + r.sum);
return ans;
void build(ll idx, ll lo, ll hi)
if (lo == hi) {
seg[idx] = node(arr[lo]);
return ;
ll mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
build(2 * idx + 1, lo, mid);
build(2 * idx + 2, mid + 1, hi);
seg[idx] = merge(seg[2 * idx + 1], seg[2 * idx + 2]);
// void printt()
// {
// cout << seg[0].maxi << " " << seg[1].maxi << endl;
// }
void update(ll idx, ll lo, ll hi, ll i, ll val)
if (lo == hi)
seg[idx] = node(val);
ll mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (i <= mid)
update(2 * idx + 1, lo, mid, i, val);
update(2 * idx + 2, mid + 1, hi, i, val);
seg[idx] = merge(seg[2 * idx + 1], seg[2 * idx + 2]);
void make_update(ll idx, ll val)
update(0, 0, n - 1, idx, val);
ll make_query()
auto ans = seg[0].maxi;
return ans;
void solve()
ll n, q;
cin >> n >> q;
vector<ll> v(n);
for (auto &it : v) cin >> it;
SEG seg(n, v);
cout << seg.make_query() << endl;
while (q--) {
ll idx, val;
cin >> idx >> val;
seg.make_update(idx, val);
cout << seg.make_query() << endl;
int main()
freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
freopen("error.txt", "w", stderr);
freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
return 0;
Thanks in advance. :)