misteg168's blog

By misteg168, history, 12 months ago, In English

Does someone knows how to use FreeMarker to create a set of test cases and set all of this cases to belong to a particular group in polygon? I don't know any other way than creating them one by one with the "add test" feature and setting them to belong to a group. (I basically want to create a list of similar testcases with a different seed and don't want to create everything one by one). Is this even possible?

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By misteg168, history, 14 months ago, In English

This morning, our university received communication stating that only two teams per university will be allowed at SWERC. Consequently, our team (MeGustaElArroz23, BernatP, and misteg168) won't be able to participate in the contest.

This is the first time a SWERC host hasn't accepted 3 teams in the last 20 years, I don't know the reason for such a rule but my guesses are:

  • Space constraints: This can be solved easily by moving to some other place, like a sports Hall.

  • Financial constraints: This can also be solved easily, just increment the loan for unis who want to send more teams, SWERC loan is not expensive at all for teams who care about the contest and come from developed countries and all SWERC countries are developed countries.

I think perhaps a signature collection can change their minds, maybe a letter signed by all universities.

Either way, I would want to know the reason for such a rule.

Ping of all SWERC admins from Swerc mirror

dario2994, cescmentation_folch, cip999, gangsterveggies, gog.gerard, Giove, jinlifu1999, Petr, Simon, tap_tapii, Um_nik.

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