sauravbhartibgs37's blog

By sauravbhartibgs37, history, 12 months ago, In English

Some times ago, when I was starting competitive programming. I was wondering what topics to do and when to do them. So, I kept solving the problems as they came and shortlisted them, each by their topics.

So, If you are someone who wants to study all the topics needed to reach a specialist or maybe an expert then all the topics that I encountered while this journey can be found in this GITHUB repository.

It has collection of all important problems based on their topics.

So, If you have any topic to pratice and the problem should be begineer friendly, you can browse through the repository.

Thanks a lot. Competitive Programming is great!

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By sauravbhartibgs37, history, 3 years ago, In English

Before I start, I know it's such a hard time for a lot of people, may peace prevail.

So, today is my 100th day of registration on Codeforces(I came here everyday for last 100 days and solved about 10-12 questions everyday, depending on their difficulty) and I want to share my experience.

When I started, I pretty much knew nothing about CP(my bad). I literally didn't knew how to take inputs. So, I watched some YT videos and with some time I got comfortable with basics. Then I started solving easier questions sequentially, I have solved about 150 questions of each rating block, from 800 to now 1300, that didn't only helped me getting comfortable around basic questions but it also taught me about language, it's fundamentals but also the thought process to think constructively.

I know a lot of people are much highly skilled here than me. I don't mean no offence just wanted to share.

Big thanks to MikeMirzayanov and developers for this amazing platform that has a uncluttered way of questions rating and my friend amanpatel23 for introducing me to this.

Now, that anyone who is starting and want to take my approach. You can find almost all the answers of around top 150(maybe not of some 800s) on my Github-


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