timreizin's blog

By timreizin, 4 years ago, In English

A bit about Ukrainian Olympiad system

Every region in Ukraine has a quotа for every olympiad. Quotа is a number of people region can send to the final(=4th) stage of All-Ukranian olympiad(AUO for short), from where people to tst (Team Selection Test to international olympiads) are chosen. Region must send at least one person fro every grade which participates in AUO(so in informatics 9-11 grades participate, in math 8-11, etc.). Quota for a year x is counted from region rating on years x-1 and x-2. Rating is based on region performance in that year AUO.

About AUO in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021

So in years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine decided cancel olympiads(only AUO in 2019-2020) in Ukraine at all. In 2019-2020 3rd stages of olympiads and test to 4th stage were already done, so volunteers just helped to make 4th stage, tst to international olympiads, and participation there(it was done for math and informatics, idk about other subjects). Now I will talk only about informatics.

About UOI in 2020-2021

UOI — Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics in 2020-2021 didn't have usual system with quota for every region. Thanks to arsijo we had a much better variant. From 3rd stage, for every participating grade(if you are younger that minimal, you participate in it) top40 were taken to 4th stage. And 1 person from each region which doesn't have anybody in that top40. I think there is no need in explaining why this system is better. If you understand Ukrainian you can read more about it here.

About Olympiads in Ukraine this year

So recently Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine posted an order about olympiads this year. The are going to be in a traditional format. But since in the last two years officially we had no olympiads, all regions now have the same minimal quota(which is 3 for informatics, 4 for math, so here it is 1 person per grade). And also you can qualify to 4th stage through Internet Olympiad(smth like 3 people from grade for informatics). Internet Olympiad in Informatics is an another good story(no stated ml, tl, sometimes even constraints, 1 submission per problem, shit problem quality).

So because of this system there is a very big chance that strong competitors wouldn't be able qualify to UOI 4th stage and tst to IOI(and the same with other subjects). Good job Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, good job.

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