vintage_Petr_Mitrichev's blog

By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hello dreamoon_love_AA. Its been long time i didn't post anything. So posting this. Petr hello 300iq hello


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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hey, can anyone give me some suggestions what should I name my handle or should I keep it same. 300iq any suggestions.

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 5 years ago, In English

What happened to Legend Petr Mitrichev. Why he is not doing screencast of contests he gives. I really loved his SC's. It was very motivating.

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

Why such strange behaviour while outputting the difference in sizes of two queues. When i am storing them in a diff variable its showing right answer, while just outputting the difference gives wrong answer.


using namespace std;
int main()
    priority_queue<int , vector<int> , greater<int> > pmin;
    priority_queue<int , vector<int> >pmax;
    cout << pmax.size() - pmin.size() << endl;
    int diff = pmax.size() - pmin.size();
    cout << diff <<endl;
    return 0 ;

**** TO DV : Since downvotes doesn't affects me, but I think this is a very good question whom most of have no idea about the flaw in this. So it would be good if some good answers known to other people.

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

AC Solution 1


the first solution which gets ac , also recur for all the four case , and my 2nd solution also recur for all four cases .

But why i am getting tle at TC 6 , is there something i am missing , or something which is increasing the time complexity of 2nd sol.

someone please tell the mistake .

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

In problem Equivalent string , I am using Divide and Conquer approach to solve.

I am checking all four cases , left_left , right_right , left_right , right_left

by the code is giving time limit exeeded . Since we are not making more than log n divisions , why it is giving TLE and how to optimize it . Can anyone tell me . Thanks

Pseudo code

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

In problem , symmetric grid , can anyone give the proof why the method given in the editorial works . how to perform all rows and column swapping operation .


Anyone .

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

Hello , can anyone please clarify what the author is saying in editorial of problem d . I am not getting the dp state . how to think it recursively ?

why is author taking at most case ? what it mean ?

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

can someone guide me how to use topcoder arena for competitive programming. i wanna participate in toc. rounds but its arena is too tough to handle .

and how to view other solutions at topcoder? Please tell. help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

suppose u have to find a % b , i see many red coders solution instead of using directly a%b they do like ..

if (a >=mod) a-=mod ??

why so ?

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

how to solve problem 27D .

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By vintage_Petr_Mitrichev, history, 6 years ago, In English

Can anyone please help me in solving lizards and basement 2 ? link

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