Hello everyone!
Another long and exciting contest is here, October Circuits '21, with 8 amazing problems, should be solved in 7 days. The contest will start at Saturday, 16th October, 21:00 IST (You can check your timezone here).
The problems are prepared by me, Kritagya krikti Agarwal and AmirReza Arpa PoorAkhavan.
Also huge thanks to Arpa for coordinating and testing the round.
To make the challenge more interesting, we will add problems to the contest in this order:
- Day 0: Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3
- Day 1: Problem 4, Problem 5
- Day 4: Problem 6, Problem 7
- Day 6: Problem 8
As usual, here are the prizes for the top three contestants:
- $100 Amazon gift card
- $75 Amazon gift card
- $50 Amazon gift card
Hope to see you on the leaderboard!
Good luck everybody! Hope you all gain a positive rating Δ in this round!
Auto comment: topic has been updated by lucky_21 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
In problem "Input queries" inccorect tests. Please fix it, lucky_21, Arpa.
In A special Date problem is this valid input or not 11670384 ?
As I understand we are given valid date , but this kind of 11670384 input also can be. Little confused...
No, this input is invalid. By definition, a valid date is in format ddmmyyyyy. Therefore, dd = 11, mm = 67 and yyyy = 0384. Both dd and yyyy satisfy the required range, dd is between 00 and 30, and yyyy is between 0000 and 9999. However, mm does not satisfy the required range between 01 and 12.
Thank you CodingKnight
I thought input is valid.
With pleasure. Best wishes.