yixiuge777's blog

By yixiuge777, history, 7 weeks ago, In English

I am surprised I get an attention that my solution for the problem 2053D in the competition "Good Bye 2024: 2025 is NEAR" is completely same as another participate's solution. The two solutions are:

https://codeforces.net/contest/2053/submission/298829789 by yixiuge777(me)

https://codeforces.net/contest/2053/submission/298841731 by DarksideWanderer

But it is just a coincidence. Let me reappear the scene at that night.

As any common conpetitions, I mentioned there is a div1 competition and registered in advance. At that night around ten o'clock, I took my conputer, pen, water bottle and some other things to the self-study room in my dormitory because the competition over very late at half of one and I could't disturb my roommates'sleep. Then the competition begin. I fluently and quickly solved the first 5 problems, but stuck in the wrong solution in F. I was thinking that only the number occoured in this line is useful, and other number's dp value can be represented easily. That is definetily wrong. I try my best but can't solve it, until the competition end.

About the problem D, I even have few impressions of it because it is too easy to solve for me, and it takes me around 7 minutes to solve, from read the problem to get the accepted. I am surprised that the two solutions are completely same, and every line, every sentences are the same, the differences is no differences. It likes an old saying that "great minds think alike" although the solution isn't the great minds. But I create this solution all by myself, and I don't use any connection tools in the competition period. Even I just went to the bathroom once in the competition, after solved the first 5 problems.

So it is a coincidence, and I can't explain anymore because I don't know how to explain about it. As for the participates DarksideWanderer, I mention that he(she) solve the first 4 problems in the reversed order. Because of the violation, he is banned and regarded as out of competition and his solution was skipped. I don't have more influences because I solve it faster than him.

As for me it is pretty funny because I haven't met this situation in over 80 competitions before. For DarksideWanderer, if you read this and you want to explain more about it, you can comment after it. Or if you need me to provide more evidences, you can send messages to me through codeforces.And that's all for this. Additionally, it takes me quite a long time to write these things, and it is a good exercise for my learning English. You can point out the grammer mistakes in it. Thank you.

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