Hi everyone!
The Final Round of Technocup 2021 starts this Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 13:00 MSK (10:00 UTC)!
For those who want to compete on the same problems, we will hold two regular Codeforces Rounds in the evening: one for the first division, and another one for the second. The rounds are starting at Mar/21/2021 16:20 (Moscow time).
If you are a participant of the official Technocup Finals, you are not allowed to take part in the rounds in the evening. We ask participants of the official Finals not to discuss the problems in open media till evening.
The problems are prepared by: Alexander Golovanov399 Golovanov, Evgenii amethyst0 Belykh, Andrey AndreySergunin Sergunin, Alexey Aleks5d Upirvitskiy, Diego Diegogrc Garcia and me.
Also huge thanks to Bench0310, kokokostya, Um_nik, dorijanlendvaj, brunomont, Stepavly, antontrygubO_o, JinhaiChen, budalnik, wucstdio, golikovnik, kuviman, dantrag, BledDest, Supermagzzz, Merripium, geranazavr555, divanik, psevdoinsaf, Roms for testing and invaluable comments, and also to antontrygubO_o for the help in holding the mirror rounds.
Good luck!
Congratulations to winners of Codeforces Rounds!
Div. 1:
Div. 2:
Thanks for participation! Editorial.