By MikeMirzayanov, 5 years ago, translation, In English

This weekend, on Dec/14/2019 14:05 (Moscow time) we will hold Codeforces Round 606. It is based on problems of Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 4 that will be held at the same time.

Technocup is a major olympiad for Russian-speaking high-school students, so if you fit into this category, please register at Technocup 2020 website and take part in Technocup 2020 - Elimination Round 4.

Problem authors are me, Endagorion and voidmax. Many thanks to the testers: Kostroma, never_giveup, Supermagzzz, AdvancerMan, Stepavly, unreal.eugene, cannor147 and geranazavr555!

Div. 1 and Div.2 editions are open and rated for everyone. As usual, the statements will be provided in English and in Russian. Register and enjoy the contests!

Good luck on the round

UPD 1: The scoring:

  • D1: 500-1000-1250-2000-2250-3000
  • D2: 500-1000-1500-1500-2000-2500

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By RDDCCD, 5 years ago, In English

This weekend, on Nov/24/2019 11:05 (Moscow time) we will hold Codeforces Round 602. It is based on problems of Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 3 that will be held at the same time.

Technocup is a major olympiad for Russian-speaking high-school students, so if you fit into this category, please register at Technocup 2020 website and take part in Technocup 2020 - Elimination Round 3.

Problem authors are me, nocriz, BledDest, adedalic and MikeMirzayanov. Many thanks to the testers: KAN, Supermagzzz, Stepavly, AdvancerMan and unreal.eugene!

Div. 1 and Div.2 editions are open and rated for everyone. As usual, the statements will be provided in English and in Russian. Register and enjoy the contests!

Have fun!

Scoring distribution:

Technocup: 500 1000 1250 (500+1500) 2500 (1000+2000) 3250

D1: 500 (500+750) 1500 (1000+1000) 2250 2500

D2: 500 1000 1250 (500+1500) 2500 (1000+2000)

UPD: Div1 Top5






And congratulations for djq_cpp to be the youngest Legendary GrandMaster in the age of 14!

Div2 Top5






And also the Editorial is out.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 5 years ago, In Russian

Mail.Ru Group совместно с МФТИ, МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана и Codeforces в пятый раз запускает олимпиаду по программированию для школьников — «Технокубок». В этом учебном году олимпиада вошла в перечень олимпиад школьников, повысив свой уровень до самого высокого — первого: теперь победители и призеры могут быть зачислены на профильные факультеты российских вузов без вступительных экзаменов. Кроме того лучшие участники получат ценные призы от компании Apple.

Сразиться за звание самого талантливого молодого программиста приглашаются учащиеся средних образовательных учреждений 8-11 классов.

Победители и призеры олимпиады будут определены по результатам очного этапа, который пройдет 1 марта 2020 года на базе МФТИ, МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана, а также на других региональных площадках по всей России, о которых будет сообщено позднее.

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By Endagorion, 5 years ago, translation, In English

We are aware about the issues with rating in Division 2. MikeMirzayanov is on it and will fix everything soon.

Congrats to the winners!

Technocup edition:

  1. cookiedoth
  2. MaksymOboznyi
  3. AlFlen
  4. talant

Div. 1 round:

  1. Benq
  2. jqdai0815
  3. tourist
  4. Um_nik
  5. TLE

Div. 2 round:

  1. BBumblebee
  2. twytch19
  3. zhongyuwei
  4. kpink
  5. 1LLUS0RY

Analysis can be found here (if it doesn't show the analysis, just wait for a little bit).

Scoring distribution:

elimination round: 500-750+750-1500-2000-2750-3250-3750

division 2: 500-750+750-1500-2000-2750-3250

division 1: 500-1000-1750-2250-2750-3250Hi Codeforces!

This weekend, on Oct/26/2019 14:05 (Moscow time) we will hold Codeforces Round 596. It is based on problems of Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 2 that will be held at the same time.

Technocup is a major olympiad for Russian-speaking high-school students, so if you fit into this category, please register at Technocup 2020 website and take part in the Elimination Round 2.

Div. 1 and Div.2 editions are open and rated for everyone. As usual the statements will be provided in English and in Russian. Register and enjoy the contests!

Have fun!

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By arsijo, 5 years ago, translation, In English

Hi all!

This weekend, on Oct/06/2019 18:05 (Moscow time) we will hold Codeforces Round 591. It is based on problems of Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 1 that will be held at the same time.

Technocup is a major olympiad for Russian-speaking high-school students, so if you fall into this category, please register at Technocup 2020 website and take part in the Elimination Round.

Div. 1 and Div.2 editions are open and rated for everyone. Register and enjoy the contests!

The Elimination Round authors are BledDest, MikeMirzayanov, Neon, awoo, Roms, adedalic and me. This round would also be not possible without the help of our testers: KAN, chemthan, gisp_zjz, Kallaseldor, Jeffrey, danya.smelskiy, Juve45, thank you so much!

Have fun!


Unfortunately, the round is unrated.


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