Hello Everyone!<br>↵
We would like to invite you all to participate in the [SPYBITS2022 CONTEST-2](https://www.codechef.com/SPY22022) aka the Spybits CP Contest, under the banner of Udyam'22, IIT (BHU) Varanasi. The contest will be held on [5th April 2022 at 19:05 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SPYBITS+2022+CONTEST-2&iso=20220405T1905&p1=176&ah=2&am=30). ↵
Udyam is the annual technical fest of the Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU),Varanasi. To know more about Udyam, please visit the official website of [Udyam'22](https://www.udyamfest.com/).↵
We would like to thank our Title Sponsor, Cisco and Event Sponsor, Nullcon.↵
Spybits CP Contest is the second round of the SPYBITS event, in which your algorithmic problem solving skills are tested. This contest is open to everyone, so you can appear in the contest even if you haven't registered for the SPYBITS event.↵
All the problems have been prepared by [user:XORring-Samurai,2022-01-21], [user:Lazy_Propagater,2022-01-21] and me, [user:new2022,2022-01-21].↵
We would like to thank [user:emperor_gentoo,2022-04-02], [user:The_Hawkeye,2022-04-02], [user:adikrsingh,2022-04-02], [user:loud_mouth,2022-04-02], [user:multibaggger,2022-04-02], [user:anotherTry,2022-04-02] and [user:ashuKS29,2022-04-02] for testing all the problems.↵
The top 3 participants will get cash prize worth 700 INR, 500 INR and 300 INR respectively along with free course vouchers of [Growth School](https://growthschool.io/), besides this 5 tshirts from Nullcon will be randomly distributed among the next 50 position holders.↵
**Registration for Prizes**↵
To be considered eligible for prizes, you need to separately register on the website of [Udyam'22](https://www.udyamfest.com/). Read the instructions for registering from [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FStXjrmTtd4AS3I2FkER-7rEIxTniLf2Gp0FWB72a-w/edit?usp=sharing).↵
You will get 2 hours and 30 minutes to solve 7 problems. The scoring will be of ICPC style, you can learn more about it from the contest page. The contest will be unrated, Sorry to all those who were expecting a rated round, we couldn't get it rated due to time constraints.↵
I hope you guys will like the problems, Good Luck everyone!↵
We would like to invite you all to participate in the [SPYBITS2022 CONTEST-2](https://www.codechef.com/SPY22022) aka the Spybits CP Contest, under the banner of Udyam'22, IIT (BHU) Varanasi. The contest will be held on [5th April 2022 at 19:05 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SPYBITS+2022+CONTEST-2&iso=20220405T1905&p1=176&ah=2&am=30). ↵
Udyam is the annual technical fest of the Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU),Varanasi. To know more about Udyam, please visit the official website of [Udyam'22](https://www.udyamfest.com/).↵
We would like to thank our Title Sponsor, Cisco and Event Sponsor, Nullcon.↵
Spybits CP Contest is the second round of the SPYBITS event, in which your algorithmic problem solving skills are tested. This contest is open to everyone, so you can appear in the contest even if you haven't registered for the SPYBITS event.↵
All the problems have been prepared by [user:XORring-Samurai,2022-01-21], [user:Lazy_Propagater,2022-01-21] and me, [user:new2022,2022-01-21].↵
We would like to thank [user:emperor_gentoo,2022-04-02], [user:The_Hawkeye,2022-04-02], [user:adikrsingh,2022-04-02], [user:loud_mouth,2022-04-02], [user:multibaggger,2022-04-02], [user:anotherTry,2022-04-02] and [user:ashuKS29,2022-04-02] for testing all the problems.↵
The top 3 participants will get cash prize worth 700 INR, 500 INR and 300 INR respectively along with free course vouchers of [Growth School](https://growthschool.io/), besides this 5 tshirts from Nullcon will be randomly distributed among the next 50 position holders.↵
**Registration for Prizes**↵
To be considered eligible for prizes, you need to separately register on the website of [Udyam'22](https://www.udyamfest.com/). Read the instructions for registering from [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FStXjrmTtd4AS3I2FkER-7rEIxTniLf2Gp0FWB72a-w/edit?usp=sharing).↵
You will get 2 hours and 30 minutes to solve 7 problems. The scoring will be of ICPC style, you can learn more about it from the contest page. The contest will be unrated, Sorry to all those who were expecting a rated round, we couldn't get it rated due to time constraints.↵
I hope you guys will like the problems, Good Luck everyone!↵