Given a weighted undirected graph , a source vertex(s) and x distinct vertices as Delivery Location (d1 , d2 , d3 .. dx) assuming that each rider travels at 1m/s what is the min time required to complete all the deliveries if you have m drivers originating from the source simultainously , and also the path followed by them.
( it is guarented that reaching all delivery locations from the source vertex is possible )
input format -
n m s //n vertices and m edges s is the source vertex
v11 v12 w1 //vertices connected with weight w
v21 v22 w2
vm1 vm2 wm
x // no of delivery locations 1<= x < n
d1 , d2 , d3 , d4 .... dx //delivery vertices (d[i] != s for all 1 <= i <= x)
output format - (m+1 lines first line should contain the min time required and all others m lines should include paths followed by drivers from 1 to m)
t //min time to complete all deliveries
1->3->5 // path followed by first delivery guy
1->2->1->5 // path followed by second delivery guy
1-> path followed by third delivery guy (it may be possible that this delivery person didn't moved so his path finished at source only)
(all paths should start from source only)