Hi code forces, I have been getting haunted by this problem for a long time now.↵
Would you please help me to understand what data structure and approach are needed to solve this problem?↵
This problem is not from any live contest.↵
Given an arrayA**A** having N**N** integers in the range **[-1e8, 1e8]** and Q**Q** queries each having 3**3** integers **[L, R, K]**. For each query, the task is to return the sum of K's smallest elements in the subarray **A[L...R]** where K**K** = **[1, R-L+1].**.↵
Thanks in advance :)
Would you please help me to understand what data structure and approach are needed to solve this problem?↵
This problem is not from any live contest.↵
Given an array
Thanks in advance :)