Hi Codeforces! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
We are glad to invite you to our first Codeforces Round Codeforces Round 796 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 796 (Div. 2) which will be held on Jun/03/2022 17:35 (Moscow time). This round will be rated for participants of both divisions. Participants in each division will be offered 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them. The two divisions will share 3 problems.
In this round, as the best friend of the characters in Touhou Project, you are going to help them solve the problems they meet.
The problems are prepared by xiaoziyao, Yakumo_Ran, SSerxhs, Cocoly1990, LilyWhite, Elegia and me. We hope you will enjoy this round.
Great thanks to:
- RedMachine-74 for good coordination of this round and translating all statements to Russian,
- Yakumo_Ran for providing most tasks,
- SSerxhs for preparing most tasks,
- LilyWhite for polishing statements,
- Elegia, QAQAutoMaton, jqdai0815, Kevin114514, Suika_predator, loveye, Serval, ix35, Miko35, mrsrz, SanweiTreap, Eden_CY,wind_whisper,xuezhe, Cocoly1990, KaguyaH, meowcneil, plagues, marzipan, nhc, SCL_, zarubin for testing our round,
- KagamineRin, huhaoo, juju054, JohnVictor and Zcusss for other help,
- MikeMirzayanov for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platforms.
Please pay attention that there will be no more than 998244353 interactive problems in this round, so learn more about interactive problems here before the contest.
Good luck & Have fun!
Scoring distribution will be announced later.