What rating problems should I practice to be able to solve Div2 C problem.
I have followed a pattern for practicing problems. When I started I used to practice 800 rating problems, then when I was able to solve A problem in 2-3 Div2 contests, I moved on to solve 1000-1100 rating problems and when I was able to solve B problem in 2-3 Div2 contests I moved on 1200-1300 rating problems.
But, I have noticed that most of Div2 C problems are of 1600-1700 rating (I may be wrong). So, should I start solving 1600-1700 rating problems? Also, will jumping from 1300 to 1700 be actually beneficial for me?
Info which might give you insights to my level
Highest rating: 1201
Current rating: 1159
Number of 1200-1300 problems solve: 70(1200), 15(1300)