While solving random problems on DMOJ I found this problem: [Problem](https://dmoj.ca/contestproblem/tle16c8p6), [Contest the problem appeared in](https://dmoj.ca/contest/tle16c8). I only read the statement and decided it was not for me, so I moved on. Today after the round I remembered this problem because it seemed similar to [problem:1726F]. Not only are the problems exactly the same, they even share the same sample and the explanation of the sample is also the same:↵
![ ](/predownloaded/0a/59/0a59ad1ce82dcc7d5193443b4801df327fb9aaf3.png)↵
![ ](/predownloaded/47/94/4794d5ba35c2ac6a04c57f5e5dd4e6a26477d93d.png)↵
Together with the fact that [user:little_angel,2022-09-06] has solved this problem on DMOJ:↵
![ ](/predownloaded/83/c2/83c2381b0b945e59d4dc00138636999d8df6ea3d.png) ↵
I am convinced that the authors of [contest:1726] have purposefully copied the problem and didn't even try to hide it. I don't think the contest should be unrated, because the impact was not that big. But I still believe that this is unacceptable for Codeforces contests. You are supposed to create original problems.
![ ](/predownloaded/0a/59/0a59ad1ce82dcc7d5193443b4801df327fb9aaf3.png)↵
![ ](/predownloaded/47/94/4794d5ba35c2ac6a04c57f5e5dd4e6a26477d93d.png)↵
Together with the fact that [user:little_angel,2022-09-06] has solved this problem on DMOJ:↵
![ ](/predownloaded/83/c2/83c2381b0b945e59d4dc00138636999d8df6ea3d.png) ↵
I am convinced that the authors of [contest:1726] have purposefully copied the problem and didn't even try to hide it. I don't think the contest should be unrated, because the impact was not that big. But I still believe that this is unacceptable for Codeforces contests. You are supposed to create original problems.