Two New Features at the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame

Правка en1, от Ra16bit, 2022-11-17 04:06:34

Hi Codeforces!

I'm happy to show you two new features, that I've added to the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame website recently. You can find both of them at the main page:

 Main Page

The "Top-100" page allows to see the top performers in major competitions, and the top prize winners.

How the Top-100 page looks like

The "Advanced" pages contain the lists of participants who advanced to the finals of the upcoming contests. For each of the finalists, there is a bunch of interesting information like ratings and performance history. Most of the columns of the table are sortable. Now there are two advancers lists available: Finalists of Topcoder Open 2022 Marathon and Finalists of Topcoder Open 2022 Algorithm. Both of these competitions will be held this week!

Example: TCO Algorithm 2022 Finalists page
Теги cphof, halloffame, finalists


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский Ra16bit 2022-11-17 04:06:34 1326 Initial revision (published)