As you may have already noticed, tourist has reached the symbolic milestone of 4000 rating points. This is the first time in the history of competitive programming. I, personally, and the entire Codeforces team, congratulate Gennady tourist Korotkevich on this incredible achievement!
Right now, we have assigned a new rank “Tourist” to the 4+ rating. This highlights the uniqueness of the moment!
However, in the future, I would like to change this name to something a bit more neutral (or leave it Tourist?). Would you help me with this?
I’d appreciate your cool suggestions in the comments!
Here are a few options from me. Please, vote:
- Epic Grandmaster
- Ultimate Grandmaster
- Godlike Grandmaster
- Tourist
- 4K Grandmaster
- Grandmaster 4K
- Legendary Grandmaster 4K
- Joke option: Ultra HD Grandmaster
- from Tlatoani: Champion
Feel free to propose your own options and add (likes:n) (use square brackets instead of round), where n is an integer starting from 1, to allow for voting.
I suggest not having "Grandmaster" in the name at all -- make it simply "Champion".
Thanks, added to the list
Add the >=30 upvoted comments asap from your recent blog for 4000+ title suggestions. Otherwise voting count would not be fair. Thanks! MikeMirzayanov
Maybe Absolut
How about "GOAT"?
Also update the graph cuz it looks bad after 3000 its a very big gap -> (3000-4000)
How about 4K Champion?
Here are some of my suggestions: Legendary Sovereign
Ruler Realm
Mystic Realm
Maybe King or Unique
The ancient Arab peoples used to call a person who was very brave to a huge degree a coward!!!! So you can do something similar to tourist, you can call him Unrated or some thing like this.. MikeMirzayanov
It is suggested that the person who ranks first in the ranking list should take turns to get the "champion" rating, not for those who rank > = 4000.
Maybe sage, I think sage title is a litle bit higher than legendary grandmaster.
world heavyweight champion cp universal champion
maybe "Grand Champion" :o
How about The Great? Something like Tourist the Great, Alexander the Great.
Champion — 4k+
Grand champion — 4.3k +
Ultimate champion — 4.5k +
I'd say "Champion" after somebody else reaches 4000, and "tourist" otherwise
How about "Quintessential Grandmaster"?
Royal champion sounds great
You know how to get negative contribution without harassing people. That is honestly impressive.
there's already a pathetic thick barrier between us
Is this a real life?
"Beyonder" , "Final Boss"
This is the first time in the history of competitive programming.
But he did this before too.
"I wish leaders to get those ratings that were before rating fix."
leave it Tourist
SuperGM like in Chess?
The problem is that "super" sounds less impressive than "legendary".
An idea could be to move Legendary Grandmaster to 4000+ and rename the current LGM rank (3000+) to Super Grandmaster.
Yes, it would be a really nice idea to have "Super Grandmaster" for 3000+ and "Legendary Grandmaster" for 4000+.
Then tourist gains nothing but to upset other LGMs.
In the end, everybody keeps their rating and their position on the leaderboards. As such, I'm not sure if anyone would be realistically upset by this change, unless they really don't like the new rank name. For me at least, Super GM is a catchier title than Legendary GM.
LGM should be moved up. There is no way that 50+ people here are "legendary." Out of all the LGMs, the average cf user might recognize 5 of them and consider just 1 or 2 to be truly legendary.
Look at the game florr.Legendary is much weaker than Super.
magnus carlsen of codeforces
Magnus is the best ever but even he isn't 2900.
dont compare chess ratings with cf ratings, think it relatively
thats cause they have to content with machines. we don't.
Well we do have to compete with the judge, who I guess is a machine. But yeah, don't compare chess rating and codeforces ratings. In Codeforces you face off against hundreds or thousands of people in every contest and 20 in your pool for hacking. Plus they are completely different things.
We compete with the setter if anything.
but both are different
leave it Tourist
Legendary codeforcer?
keep in mind the r in the end :)
make it "God"
guys, why downvotes,tourist is God
if you downvote this comment, I'll cry
MikeMirzayanov please ban these ratist downvoters
I upvoted all your comments. :)
because you're specialist
make it "God"
I agree
the best one so far
Maybe make it that if your rating is 4k+ you can pick your rank or your rank is your handle.
Rank is your handle is a good idea
what if your handle is "Expert" or "Master" ? For eg -> Expert
have to keep it one specific name only as everyone can not say there name as there profile (for e.g. im smit3949 on codeforces :))
"everyone" isn't even a problem here.
How about making it "Elite"?
sounds good ;)
Only LGMs should vote because others will never reach 4000+ so there is no point.
Do well by them first, then speak.
orz baobao123
orz allin.cpp
I suggest not having "Grandmaster" in the name at all -- make it simply "GOAT"
We should keep GOAT for "Greatest of All Tourists".
that would be cool
what about the rank "God"
As suggested by heavenly_principles-
Kinda cool
MikeMirzayanov I approve this
How about keeping: Sensei ?
it would be nice to make title = handle after a person reaches 4000
that sounds cool
(Title) = (Their handle) for all future 4k+ ( like AtCoder's free-color(3200+) )
That won't make much sense, to say.. Tourist is Tourist at Codeforces Jiangly is Jiangly at Codeforces and so on..
Thats kinda the point. Like they are so good that their name itself is a title
I suggest to make it changeable for the user..
Hmm, maybe tourist should decide this.
Cool, I think that well be better :)
why tourist not commented here
Not really. As a humble guy, he would never really like to himself name the title that should be bestowed upon him.
I propose: legendary glorious outstanding eminent immortal lionized vaunted esteemed acclaimed grandmaster.
How about Iconic Grandmaster with white and red color combination ?!
The white letters would be invisible then, lol. Unless one uses dark mode.
Oh yeah right . Mb :<(
I believe we should leave it Tourist only as an honour to him.
There is a typo in the blog, it should be: "Right now, we have assigned a new rank “Tourist” to the 4000+ rating", instead of "Right now, we have assigned a new rank “Tourist” to the 4+ rating".
It should be left unchanged as "TOURIST" as he is the first one to reach there
Tourist is the best imo
Conqueor is better.
Tourist sounds the best :)
Why don't we start recognizing him as the GOAT?
"Almost admin" ;)
Btw Ultra HD /Ultra Legendary Grand Master sounds cool too.
Hamster Kombat Grandmaster pls
legendary grand master Pro max if you are apple fan boy legendary grand master ultra if you are Samsung fan
Its not an Iphone.
is galaxy z flip ultra max better
Tourist is best. you know now i think of it, i think he got this name (tourist) for the 4k+ rating ʘ‿ʘ
I understand if it remains "Tourist" as a tribute to Gennady, but what if someone else becomes 4k+? Will it be suitable to call two persons "tourist"? I also think that the new rank shouldn't contain the word "grandmaster", since it's way beyond average grandmaster level. Anyways, congratulations to Gennady!
it's the rank that's being called tourist not the person. You don't find it cool to reply "oh I'm a tourist" to the question "what are you on CF"?
it would be better to reply "I reached myself on codeforces"
would be funny if for example jiangly reached 4000 while tourist dropped, you would have a tourist jiangly and a non-tourist tourist
Dude it might just happen today 🤣.
bro seeing what no one sees ):
what about giving to tourist the opportunity to customize?
keep it tourist, he deserves it
It's not good to be "Tourist", It will be better if guys vote for another title
maybe all 4k+ users should see their own name as a rank , that'd look pretty cool
I have two more suggestions :
i)Mythical Grandmaster
ii)Infinity Grandmaster
0x3fff Grandmaster
MikeMirzayanov might be thinking of 4000+ upvotes :-)
Congrats !!, I've something important to tell @MikeMirzayanov about Based on my theory (Circle theory) anyone who hits 4000 points, goes back to zero-rating (newbie II) which is the second level of rating, you can't break my theory !!, please
Then he start the game from the beginning in hardcore mode, and the problemsetters are Aliens. After this turning point humanity evolves.
I like the idea of calling this rank "Tourist" but I don't like that it is capitalized. "tourist" would be much better!
Actually the rank title is "tourist" (you can see this in the max rating section).
However Codeforces capitalizes the first letter in the official title. This is true for other ranks as well.
King of Competitive Programmers
tourist sounds cool
dh*n bolsen bhai, shei hoise
What about Mythical GM or Divine GM?
Inmortal is very good option too. I hope Valve don't disagree
Will div1 be still rated for him ?
congrats , you deserve it
Here are a few Rank Name Suggestions:
Come on guys Tourist as new rank is a bad idea. Imagine if jiangly or Radewoosh will become 4000, and after that grinding they are getting their main opponent.
Champion feels really good... It's interesting what tourist himself thinks though!!
His name itself,just like Mike
What about the color of the new rank?
So will Div 1 be rated for the new "Tourist" rank?
I'd suggest that you give a new colour for the 4K+ rating, maybe a mixture between white and gold would look epic ?
maybe just remove the title? whoever reached that rating probably recognized by it's handle than whatever title.
The God?
I think we should let tourist decide this. Damn, like 4000+ looks so unreal man.
sohomot bhai
Imperial Champion
"Ultra Legendary Grandmaster"
Tourist reaching 4k+ before GTA VI. Nice accomplishment :) /s
Supreme Commander :)
Tourist is way better then any other name , i will some day reach "Tourist" , Now its my new Dream :)
rank = handle; // after 4k
Congratulations to Gennady "tourist" Korotkevich for achieving a historic 4000 rating! "Tourist" is a fitting title, but if a change is needed, "Pioneer Grandmaster" would also be great.
What about "Cosmic Grandmaster"?
What about conqueror?
dh*n bolsen bhai, shei hoise
Imagine being so good that you get a rank named after yourself
Only tourist can eclipse himself.. congratulation tourist
Leave it as tourist.
he deserves it.
Maybe 5000 and above can be named something else but tourist for 4000? hell yeah!
It's now one of the units of competitive programming. I believe this can become adopted in other platforms in the future
"Champion" sounds really fitting.
During this new year's masquerade everyone is gonna be tourist
Bugaboo solver
God Level! Congrats Legend tourist !
give me downvote pls
Congratulations tourist.
I suggest you to change his colour to a better one.
Partially agree. Inverted red and black makes sense but if we go Yandex.const everyone is tourist.
Name should be without grandmaster like: The Throne
I would like to suggest, please make it 'Tourist' for remembering the legend forever. Or name the ranked simply 'Alien'
How about a "skibidi" rank? I think "Skibidi Tourist" sounds kinda cool
"Rexona" with meaning rex as king (of problem solving), and "Rex on A" = king on algorithms. (Note Rexona brand earliest logo).
GOAT( Greatest of All time) such as Messi in CP we have tourist
The man , The myth , The tourist
Caught in 4K
what about ? The Hero with white color
MikeMirzayanov add to the list variant as nickname of the user, who reached 4000 rating
****Supreme Grandmaster****
Option: "2xCandidate"
What about "THE GRANDMASTER" all in caps
Conqueror can be option
Codeforces added new rank 4000+ black red(Champion) Similarly codechef should add 8 stars with rating above 3000. Congrats tourist
Make the contest unrated :) (likes:1)
Unstoppable GrandMaster!
THE MAN , THE Myth ,The Legend... "Tourist"
What about SupremeKing??
Or something like that. I think also color of the ranting graph should be black, it would be cool to differentiate it.
The Codeforce
rating inflation is real
I suggest "Unbeatable","Unbeatable tourist" is fine!
I think GOAT will be fantastic
I feel there should be a rating reset back to 3000 for all LGMs after every season and every season top 10 ranked can be displayed or else rating will keep going up
I think people of this level should have the right to choose their custom title
simply "King"
We need to know Tourist's choice
I highly recommend the following title: (King). Which it represents the top person in the Code forces.
How about 'Cookie Monster'?
I suggest to change the black color
you should name each user who get 4k+ rating point as his/her name it will look awesome!
Eternal Grandmaster
Bow down to the legend "Tourist".
How about "Unreachable grandmaster"?
How about
Below None Above All
Kira would be cool.
The tourist needs div0 now
div0 = NaN
I would suggest one above all, one for all etc.
tourist is the best for ever
Will we be able to become rank "tourist" during New Years?
Galactic Grandmaster
Congratulations to tourist for achieving a new milestone in the history of codeforces! In the honor of tourist, I'd suggest to let the new rank be named and the new color scheme be decided by tourist himself!
"Eats nutella(ns) for breakfast"
I suggest Quantum Grand Master(QGM)
I suggest to keep it tourist but change the color from black to another color because black actually is the color of unrated users. (I mean the color of the level it is written in black).
What about Guru?
I think 'tourist' should become a rank on Codeforces. After reaching the 'Legendary Grandmaster' (LGM) level, coders should be promoted to the 'tourist' category.
Codeforces should introduce 3600-4000 rated problems from now
Some of these have been said, but without the likes option.
How about the title of "GOD-Master" with the color of Platinum gradient
I suggest
<3.Performer — as their coding is similar to ones performance in an opera. @MikeMirzayanov
Leave it Tourist :)
How about naming the platform as "4009" on top for a week to honour tourist remarkable achievement MikeMirzayanov
Sensi ^_^ or taicho
Name it as Ibex grandmaster aka ibexGOAT
i think Tourist is cool to Honoring him and commemorate him
Ascendant GrandMaster
Elite Grandmaster
I think custom handles with custom color and styling would be the best for 4k+ coders
Perhaps give a new color to the rank name too :)
tourist is a GOAT of Programming tourist is like a Messi and Jingly is like a CR7
Is tourist at his prime? Or was this 4k rating achievement some lucky streak + rating inflation? Impressive that he kept for the dominance for so long. It makes you want to compare it to other sports like chess and Magnus Carlsen
He's always at his prime! He is the Messi of competitive programming.
Mess is not in his prime haha
I suggest "Permanent Resident (of Codeforces)".
Make it Legendary Grandmaster and change the current Legendary Grandmaster rank to nutella
tourist is the Mijail López of competitive programming
Does this mean we will be able to choose tourist rank for New Year's Magic?
leave their own name, like if jiangly will cross 4k, then his rank will be jiangly!
Legennady Grandmaster
What if top rated player has the title "World Champion"?
it would be selfish even if it's true
Can’t wait to see all the cf users as tourist on Christmas :))
I think it's a title which will not be reached by a lot of people, so it must represent this, so what came to my mind is "**Paranormal Grandmaster**"
Congrats tourist!! when you get this goated news from codeforces ❌ friend ❌ reply on your 3yo yt comment✅
What if every person reaching 4k would get their own rank named after them? Rank "Tourist" may seem funny now, but if e.g. jiangly reaches that it would seem appropriate to give him a rank "jiangly"
Artificial Intelligence or simply AI
AI was never this good
"Supreme Grandmaster"
The Goat of CP
I would leave it as Tourist.
Mythical GrandMaster
maybe??So can we become rank Tourist (or Champion, whatever) in Christmas?
How about: Supreme Grand Master Champion Grand Champion Sublime Grand Master Iconic Grand Master Super Grand Master Head Master Pun intended :) and ofc.. Super Master Supreme Master Sublime Master Iconic Master
Maybe users who rate 4k+ can make their own choice, and each of them should remember
I think it should be his own name like tourist become Tourist, Rashed.23 become Rashed.23 e.t.c. And the color is as like as now of Tourist. This is why, He/she has been beyond the limits.
CF predictor should be changed
LGM -> tourist
Mythical GM
Everyone who reaches this rank in the future is a beast, so make the name of the rank different for each person based on their name.
Maybe the color could be rainbow,as "tourist" has 7 chars
I think should be this one:
Rank level Tourist is best. DON'T UPDATE IT
pink color
A historic moment!
Grandmaster Pro Max
Its title should be "goat"(likes:1)
unreal, elite
I'd say Tourist is even better. I wanna be a tourist someday
god_of_cp, kira
What about "Glory"
With making the word color in gold color
skibidi sigma?
I think you can just use the word GOD in all capital..that would be small, precise unique and show the capability
Use Mythic Grandmaster XD
Mythic grandmaster
luv from florr.io
In Gaming:
RADIANT — Like the highest rank in Valorant.
IMMORTAL — Like Dota 2.
Or simply:
Master of Masters — Indicating superior mastery.
I suggest "Hudongqi". It means "a very handsome man" in Chinese, and i think it's cool!
yeah,"qilin"in Chinese legend means “Outstanding person”.it is even stronger than "monkey king" in <>.
You're right, so please vote for "Hudongqi"!
I think 24K Magic is a good name
I think it's better to let him decide for himself.
You can use ULGM -> Universal Legendary Grandmaster. But i know this platform is not used universally. This title sounds so good. But i personally think that tourist title will be great. But in future other persons will break 4000+ rating. So at that time you have to change it. Thus you can use ULGM.
I suugest bingpao,bingpao means cute cats in China,it shows our wishes for true, good, and beautiful things
I agree with you.
But what is Tourist's opinion?
What about "He