Maybe it's the limitation of the programming language?

Revision en1, by YocyCraft, 2023-01-11 19:52:25

Today when I upsolving 1775F - Лаборатория на Плутоне in which the intended solution is pretty simple. But the time complexity is O(n^1.5) and n=4*10^5 the time limit is pretty strict. I implemented the intended solution in java for many times but I always got TLE. Then I copied the submission submission:188424856 which is simpler the the official solution, and implemented in java, and got AC for 3322ms (My submission:188904779). It seems that sometimes you must to optimize the solution further than intended.

Also the official judge runs java code much more slowly than on my computer. I tested for cases where a[i]=1+(i%mod), where mod was about sqrt(400000). The code ran for about 0.6s but for the similar cases of the official judge it ran for about 2.3s.

The code for testing time cost on my computer


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English YocyCraft 2023-01-11 19:57:37 4 Tiny change: 'problem:1775F] in whic' -> 'problem:1768F] in whic'
en3 English YocyCraft 2023-01-11 19:56:51 1 Tiny change: '88424856] (483ms) wh' -> '88424856] _(483ms) wh'
en2 English YocyCraft 2023-01-11 19:54:59 24 Tiny change: '.util.*;\nimport*;\npublic c' -> '.util.*;\n\nimport*;\n\npublic c'
en1 English YocyCraft 2023-01-11 19:52:25 2842 Initial revision (published)