Hello Codeforces! (你好,代码部队)
We are glad to invite you to participate in Codeforces Round 872 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 872 (Div. 2) on May/08/2023 15:05 (Moscow time). Please note the unusual start time.
This round is rated for all the participants. You will be given 5 problems and 2 hours to solve them in each division.
We would like to thank:
RedLycoris, CrTsIr, Gyy_cj, sanwei and Gellyfish for writing the problems.
Artyom123 for coordinating the round
He_Ren, orzdevinwang for our red suns testing the round
SeeleVollerei, Crying, rui_er, Kevin114514, Lynkcat, lgswdn, FreshP_0325 for red testing the round.
KbltQaQ, LHQing, Falashiro, NemanjaSo2005, geospiza, Kohaku, maoweishou, welleyth for orange testing the round.
Error_Yuan, fishy15, Lyrically for purple testing the round.
LRL65, ayhan37, Zhangxuyang, Koful123 for blue testing the round.