Hi everyone! On behalf of the VNOI CUP 2023 team, I would like to invite you to participate in VNOI CUP 2023 Final — online mirror, which will be held in parallel with the official onsite division and the open onsite division.
Some important information about the round:
- Online mirror link.
- Time: Saturday, 22 July 2023, 03:00 UTC.
- Duration: 5 hours.
- Problems: 7 to 10, sorted by difficulty (hopefully!). Each problem contains multiple subtasks.
- Penalty format: AtCoder style, i.e. timestamp of last submission that increased your score + 5 minutes per submission before the best submission for each problem.
To get a flavor of our problems, we recommend you checking out this year's qualifier rounds in the following links: Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3. You can also check out last year's final round online mirror here.
I would like to introduce and thank the following people for making the cup happen:
- Lomk for being our wonderful director.
- Kuroni, darkkcyan, MofK, vinfat, ngfam, xuanquang1999, FireGhost, lanhf, and trungnotchung for writing and preparing the problems.
- nkwn, dquynh_2811, vinfat, and lanhf for helping with organizing the events.
- _winprn, BlueExpertRank, jalsol, minhnhatnoe, Pichu, leduythuc, and hieplpvip for the technical support.
- awoo, devinqu, richzli, haddamardHippo, Zhtluo, Ari, conqueror_of_tourist, hieplpvip, Richw818, AntonioElCamborio, McPqndq, shash4321, dorijanlendvaj, smax, and dragonslayerintraining for subjecting themselves to the trauma that is testing these rounds.
- Finally, thank you mister MikeMirzayanov for the wonderful Polygon platform (all problems were prepared using Polygon!)
We will have a Vietnamese live commentary of the official final round hosted by Kuroni and I_love_Hoang_Yen on VNOI's Facebook page. Editorials in both languages will also be provided after the contest.
EDIT: The mirror has concluded. Thank you everyone for participating! Here are the English statement, Vietnamese statement, English editorial, and Vietnamese editorial.