coderdhanraj's blog

By coderdhanraj, 3 weeks ago, In English

Jiangly became Tourist, well I was expecting the rank to be "Jiangly", btw huge congratulations to jiangly!!

PS: It seems resolved now

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3 weeks ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

OMG coderdhanraj !! Big fan sir :)

3 weeks ago, # |
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Jiangly became tourist , but tourist didn't become tourist. Hoping for the next rated rounds for both to share the same rating division. P.S I wonder now the name of rating( >= 4000) will be changed to something different .. (Ultra GM..?) or remain tourist to commemorate first person to achieve rating >= 4000 .

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    3 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    They already have the word $$$legendary$$$ used $$$1000$$$ points below these guys' ratings. There really isn't any adjective more extreme than $$$legendary$$$ except for maybe $$$godly$$$, which isn't really true at all since jiangly and tourist are people, not gods, or $$$mythic$$$, which basically means the same thing. I remember an old game called that had legendary and mythic items. And mythic was above legendary. Of course, every round contained multiple legendary and mythic items, so the devs there liked to abuse the meaning of words, kind of like here. But I think that the $$$M-249$$$ from the now-defunct game was truly a $$$legendary$$$ weapon as it only appeared once every 10-20 rounds or something and if you had it, you basically were guaranteed a win (unless you had to reload it, because that took like 6 seconds).

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      3 weeks ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

      a skilled player wielding dual snipers can usually take down a M-249 or PKP user

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        3 weeks ago, # ^ |
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        I don't know what happened to the game after $$$2018$$$, so I can't say that I recognize the gun $$$PKP$$$. The game started to become trash because the devs kept adding in super OP guns. The $$$M-249$$$ was no longer the greatest by a long shot. In fact, it became just another OP gun. Not great like it once was. Back when I played, the only sniper was called the $$$mosin-nagant$$$, and I specifically remember how ass that thing was. Or maybe I just had really bad aim. It felt like an oversized $$$OT-38$$$. Anyway, the game became so trash because of feature creep. The timeless browser games turned out to be the ones that hardly updated.

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      3 weeks ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it +5 Vote: I do not like it is no longer defunct, check

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        3 weeks ago, # ^ |
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        that's crazy as hell, thanks for this. takes me back. though they didn't really reinstate the best version of it.

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    3 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    it would be cool if title the would be the handle of the current highest rated user

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    3 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    I dare propose to change 4000+ rating name according to the nick of the top rated participant )

3 weeks ago, # |
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There's just one thing missing...

3 weeks ago, # |
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4000+ should always be called tourist as tribute to someone who has given so much to cp.

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    3 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    We all admire Tourist for achieving 4000+ first and for contributing so much to the coding community. However, we've all witnessed Jiangly's hard work and skill and he deserves recognition and unique titles for reaching this milestone. Of course, that's just my personal opinion, everyone has their own favorite coder.

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      3 weeks ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it +9 Vote: I do not like it

      I think everyone should have a different rank tributed to only them.

      So, say Tourist reaches 4000+ rating again, his rank will be Tourist.

      Say that, a new LGM achieves 4000+ rating, their rank will their username.

      Because whoever reaches that rating should have recognition and tribute

3 weeks ago, # |
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But jiangly became jiangly; not tourist :(

Btw; here are some cool names I could think of:

  1. Ethereal Grandmaster

  2. Mythic Grandmaster

  3. Supreme Grandmaster

3 weeks ago, # |
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ultimate legendary grandmaster sounds cool or just their own name is good