Big greetings, Codeforces!
I am happy to invite you to Codeforces Round 908 (Div. 1), Codeforces Round 908 (Div. 2), which will be held on Nov/07/2023 17:35 (Moscow time).
This round will be rated for everyone. In both divisions, you will be given 5 problems and 120 minutes to solve them. All problems were cooked by me (sevlll777).
The traditional thanks-list to everyone who took part in the creation of the round. Thanks,
RedMachine-74 for incredible coordination!
gzchenben, Gary2005, SomethingNew, Sugar_fan, FairyWinx, EternalAlexander, RUSH_D_CAT, rsj, Kieray, CtrlAlt, Vladithur, nnv-nick, AndZhi, p_b_p_b, Adam_GS, tem_shett,, a.nasretdinov, Suiseiseki, Aokana, noimi, Psychotic_D for testing the round.
CtrlAlt for help with polishing the statements.
MikeMirzayanov for Polygon and Codeforces platforms.
I hope you will like the problemset and ideas hidden in the problems! It's guaranteed that statements are understandable, short, and, of course, ✨ stylish ✨.
Have fun!
Score Distribution:
Div. 1: $$$500$$$ — $$$1000$$$ — $$$1250$$$ — $$$2250$$$ — $$$2750$$$
Div. 2: $$$500$$$ — $$$750$$$ — $$$1500$$$ — $$$2000$$$ — $$$2250$$$
UPD: Editorial
UPD2: Congrats to the chAAAmpions!