Greetings, fellow Codeforces enthusiasts! In the world of competitive programming, where algorithms dance and code weaves its intricate patterns, **ACM NIT Surat** presented us with a splendid opportunity to showcase our coding prowess through their flagship event — **Epiphany**.↵
Epiphany, a 3-hour coding extravaganza, unfolded at ACM NIT Surat. This riveting competition was designed for **individual participants**, challenging them to navigate through a labyrinth of algorithmic problems within the allotted time frame. The aura of the event was electric, as programmers geared up to unravel the mysteries encoded in the problem statements.↵
Prior to the competition, there will be a fantastic speaker session with a variety of experts in the fields of competitive programming and software engineering.↵
Date : **January 16, 2024**↵
Timing of contest : **8:00 pm to 11:00 pm**↵
Venue : **Codeforces**↵
We have a cash prize of Rs. **15,000** which is divided among the top 3 ranks and the first solver of each problem.↵
[**Registration link**](https://unstop.com/p/epiphany-130-acm-nit-surat-857830) (Registration is required in order to enter the contest and be eligible for rewards.)↵
Contest Link : [contest:494905]↵
All the best,↵
Team ACM
Greetings, fellow Codeforces enthusiasts! In the world of competitive programming, where algorithms dance and code weaves its intricate patterns, **ACM NIT Surat** presented us with a splendid opportunity to showcase our coding prowess through their flagship event — **Epiphany**.↵
Epiphany, a 3-hour coding extravaganza, unfolded at ACM NIT Surat. This riveting competition was designed for **individual participants**, challenging them to navigate through a labyrinth of algorithmic problems within the allotted time frame. The aura of the event was electric, as programmers geared up to unravel the mysteries encoded in the problem statements.↵
Prior to the competition, there will be a fantastic speaker session with a variety of experts in the fields of competitive programming and software engineering.↵
Date : **January 16, 2024**↵
Timing of contest : **8:00 pm to 11:00 pm**↵
Venue : **Codeforces**↵
We have a cash prize of Rs. **15,000** which is divided among the top 3 ranks and the first solver of each problem.↵
[**Registration link**](https://unstop.com/p/epiphany-130-acm-nit-surat-857830) (Registration is required in order to enter the contest and be eligible for rewards.)↵
Contest Link : [contest:494905]↵
All the best,↵
Team ACM