Hello Codeforces!
I have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in Codeforces Round 960 (Div. 2), which will start on 20.07.2024 17:35 (Московское время).
The problems were prepared and authored by wuhudsm.
You will be given 6 problems and 2 hours to solve, one of the problems is divided into two subtasks.
One of the problems may be interactive. So, please refer to the guide on interactive problems if you are unfamiliar with them.
I would like to thank:
- Akulyat for coordinating the round;
- BurnedChicken for the only LGM testing;
- physics0523, liympanda, culver0412, Dominater069, TheScrasse, Andreasyan,satyam343 for GM and IGM testing;
- Error_Yuan, IanISam, Little_Sheep_Yawn, NemanjaSo2005, aufannn, IceKnight1093, and pavlekn for M and IM testing;
- Muhammad-Saram, vikram108, Proelectro444, htetgm, n0sk1ll, and AkibAzmain for CM testing;
- kHarsh3715, beyondpluto, larush, AdityaTakkar, Banis,Abhishek_Srivastava, Yugandhar_Master, chromate00, and astilate for Expert testing;
- md_nihal, HexShift, and dazlersan1 for Specialist testing;
- yash_04, and ishaandas1 for the Pupil testing;
- DARKPAST, and Binary_Thinker for the Newbie testing;
- tibinyte2006 for the Illegal newbie lying face testing;
- MikeMirzayanov for the great Codeforces and Polygon platforms;
- CHATGPT for solving $$$0$$$ problems : ) ;
- And at last but not least, You for participating in the round!
Fun fact
Good luck and have fun!
Score distribution: $$$500 - 1000 - 1500 - 1750 - (2000+750) - 3000$$$