Can anyone tell me why is this giving TLE whereas the editorial code is basically the same. What's the issue here? My Code:
ll do_it(ll x){ ll ret=0; while(x>0){ ret+=x%10; x/=10; } return ret; } void solve(){ ll n,q;cin>>n>>q; ipar(a,n); setact;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ if(a[i]>9) act.insert(i); } while(q--){ ll c;cin>>c; if(c==1){ ll l,r;cin>>l>>r; l--;r--; ll lst=l; while(!act.empty()){ auto it=lower_bound(all(act),lst);///element which is >=l if(it==act.end() || *it>r) break; a[*it]=do_it(a[*it]); ll cur=*it; act.erase(it); if(a[cur]>9)///this reduces the size of act without need of cntop vector act.insert(cur);///a[cur] will alwasy eb less than original lst=cur+1;///it could happen that the processed elemtn enter at same place ///so increment lst to avoid double processing } }else { ll x;cin>>x; --x; cout<<a[x]<<"\n"; } }
Problem Link: Editorial: