Binary grouping

Revision en18, by OtterZ, 2024-09-12 09:30:13


Binary grouping is a way to implent dynamic insertion.If you found that the query for a data structure constructed by inserted elements from set $$$s$$$ can be answered online and be solved by uniting querys from a set of data structures built on a partition of $$$S$$$ in $$$O(h(n,m))$$$ as $$$m$$$ is the number of elements in the partition and you can construct a data structure in $$$O(\operatorname{f}(n))$$$,It means that you can make the insertions in groups,for $$$n = \sum 2 ^ {a_i}(a_i > a_{i + 1})$$$,We can make $$$n$$$ insertions into groups,each group has $$$2^{a_k}$$$ insertions,in this way we divided insertions to $$$\log_2{n}$$$ groups.Then we build a data structure for each group of insertions using the construct algorithm.

When we insert a new insetion,we divide it in a group,and when we found a group that its size is the same as the new group,we merge the two groups into one group and rebuild a data structure with the insertions in the group.Using the method,we get a way to implent dynamic insertion and the method is

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in total.


It can be used for kd-tree,but I haven't found an example on the site,so please leave a comment if you found the example.

In CF710F,we use the method on AC-Automation.In the task,we use a group to deal with the inserted string and an another group for deleted strings.In both of the groups,we devide the strings into groups and deal with insertions using the method and make ACAM for each group. When we insert a string,we insert it to the group of inserted strings and insert it to the group of deleted string when we delete it.For querys,if $$$x_i$$$ means that How many string is concluded if we arrive index $$$i$$$ while running the ACAM,$$$y_i$$$ is how many string ends here in the trie,we get $$$x_i = y_i + x_{fail_i}$$$,and the way to get answer is:

  1. Run all the ACAMs in the group of inserted strings and add $$$x_i$$$ to answer while arriving index $$$i$$$.
  2. Run all the ACAMs in the group of deleted strings and minus answer by $$$x_i$$$ while arriving index $$$i$$$.

Here is the Accepted submission.

Tags data structures, dynamic, implementations


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en31 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 11:51:36 5
en30 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 11:50:50 3626
en29 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 11:27:04 310
en28 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:54:54 8 Tiny change: 'ho invent and use the metho' -> 'ho invent the metho'
en27 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:48:14 87
en26 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:46:17 1 Tiny change: '$ elementss into gro' -> '$ elements into gro'
en25 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:45:02 65
en24 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:42:27 49
en23 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:40:26 2 Tiny change: 'al and $O(g(n,\log_2 ' -> 'al and $O(h(n,\log_2 '
en22 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:40:08 60
en21 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:38:33 29 Tiny change: 'O(\sum {f(2 ^ {a_k})}) \approx ' -> 'O(\sum {f(x)})(\sum x = n \log_2 n) \approx '
en20 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:36:48 228
en19 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:31:15 6 Tiny change: '2 ^ {a_k}) * a_k}) \approx' -> '2 ^ {a_k})}) \approx'
en18 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:30:13 23 Tiny change: 's$ can be solved' -> 's$ can be answered online and be solved'
en17 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:29:23 3 Tiny change: 'n,m))$ as m is th number of' -> 'n,m))$ as $m$ is the number of'
en16 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:28:51 203
en15 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:21:47 2 Tiny change: '2 ^ {a_k})) * a_k} \approx O' -> '2 ^ {a_k}) * a_k}) \approx O'
en14 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:21:30 76
en13 English OtterZ 2024-09-12 09:18:31 113
en12 English OtterZ 2024-09-11 10:50:19 950
en11 English OtterZ 2024-09-11 09:59:49 2 Tiny change: 's $O(T\log n)$ in to' -> 's $O(T\log_2 n)$ in to'
en10 English OtterZ 2024-09-11 09:58:53 345 (published)
en9 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 11:58:54 3 Tiny change: 'e example.\\nIn [CF71' -> 'e example. \nIn [CF71'
en8 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 11:58:46 1 Tiny change: ' example.\nIn [CF71' -> ' example.\\nIn [CF71'
en7 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 09:00:02 278
en6 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 08:55:32 448
en5 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 08:44:47 131
en4 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 08:42:33 2 Tiny change: 'mples.\n\n* 1.Binary ' -> 'mples.\n\n# 1.Binary '
en3 English OtterZ 2024-09-10 08:42:15 2
en2 English OtterZ 2024-09-09 12:08:08 2 Tiny change: 'mples.\n\n# 1.Binary ' -> 'mples.\n\n* 1.Binary '
en1 English OtterZ 2024-09-09 12:04:58 450 Initial revision (saved to drafts)