Help me optimize my solution for 383 Div1 D pls

Revision en2, by tacocat, 2024-10-25 16:48:04

Link to the problem:

I came up with a solution using Small To Large and Xor Hashing, but my time complexity is $$$O(n*log^2(n)*26)$$$, which is still not optimized enough. It got the extra $$$log$$$ from using map, and I'm not sure of how to get rid of the map. Can someone help me pls?

My Code (I switched to unordered_map and it still TLEs)

EDIT: Got rid of the map, not sure how to explain it tho. And the solution above would've WAed test 32 because i forgot to make the default value of the map to be -INF

Accepted solution:


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English tacocat 2024-10-25 16:48:04 263
en1 English tacocat 2024-10-25 07:51:42 2989 Initial revision (published)