include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
define int long long
define inf LLONG_MAX
define pb push_back
define deb cout<<"YES"<<endl
define fi first
define se second
define pii pair<int,int>
define lc 2*pos
define rc 2*pos+1
int calc(int n,int a){ int x= 2*a + n-1; x*=n; x/=2; return x; }
signed main(){ vectorpul(10); pul[0]=1; for(int i=1;i<=6;i++) pul[i]=pul[i-1]*10; int t;cin>>t;while(t--){ int a,b,c,k;cin>>a>>b>>c>>k; if (a>b) swap(a,b); if (c-b!=1 && c-b!=0){ cout<<-1<<endl; continue; } int l=pul[a-1],r=pul[a]-1; bool yes=0; while(l<=r){ int mid=(l+r)/2; int aa=pul[b]-1-max(pul[c-1]-pul[a-1],1ll)+1; int cc=max(0ll,pul[b]-1+pul[a-1]-(pul[c]-1)); aa-=cc; int prev=calc(mid-1-pul[a-1]+1,aa); int cur=calc(mid-pul[a-1]+1,aa); // cout<<mid<<" "<<prev<<" "<<cur<<" "<<aa<<endl; int dif=k-prev; int tar=max(pul[c-1]-mid-1,0ll)+dif; int mi=tar+mid; if (prev<=k && k<=cur && mi<=pul[c]){ cout<<mid<<" + "<<tar<<" = "<<mi<<endl; yes=1; break; } else if (cur<k) l=mid+1; else r=mid-1; } if (!yes) cout<<-1<<endl;
// 100 // 10 90 // 1. cuman bisa yang lowest
// Minimal + maks dari ini buat jadiin c // Minimal = pul[a-1] // Maksimal b= pul[]
// pul[c+1]-1 // bikin 100 perlu berapa dan terus maksimalnya berapa ~~~~~
Hi! So this is the problem: https://codeforces.net/contest/1836/problem/C I think the solution is basically the same but I am using binary search (which is actually not needed but yeah the idea should have been the same) but this is incorrect... does anyone know where is the fault or is it logic fault? thank you so much!