[The problem](https://codeforces.net/gym/104065/problem/E)↵
My approach was to reroute the edges based on the angle of each point, connecting smaller angles to larger ones, and then iterate through the operation q times in reverse order. For each point, I maintained its father's value using a set, and then brute-forcefully calculated the son's values. I believe the complexity of this approach is also root-level, but unfortunately, it TLEd. I don't understand why this is the case, and if there are any experts who can give me some guidance.[submission:291437222]
My approach was to reroute the edges based on the angle of each point, connecting smaller angles to larger ones, and then iterate through the operation q times in reverse order. For each point, I maintained its father's value using a set, and then brute-forcefully calculated the son's values. I believe the complexity of this approach is also root-level, but unfortunately, it TLEd. I don't understand why this is the case, and if there are any experts who can give me some guidance.[submission:291437222]